Chapter 19

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She felt a metallic taste on her lips. Brushing her fingers against them, she saw blood.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes." Her head was dizzy, and her face hurt.

"You need to check your nose. It's bleeding heavily."

She nodded and looked at the body in front of her. His blonde hair fell lifeless on the ground, the smirk was still on his face, but a big, red circle was now on his shirt.

Axel bent his knees and reach for his neck. "He's dead."

Alba noticed how the fight had stopped in the room. Most of the enemies had fallen or were in handcuffs.

All she remembered was holding the gun and preparing herself to shoot Neva.

"Hey, we'll be okay. Neva is gone. You missed Neva for a few millimeters, but I managed to hit. Thankfully, his gun stopped working, and he couldn't shoot."

"My dad. Where's my dad?" She looked at his hazel eyes and searched for answers.

"I don't know. You should see a doctor."

"I'm fine," she insisted, but the loss of balance said otherwise.

"Come on." He took the gun that had fallen on the ground after shooting Neva and put it on his belt, next to his. "Someone take away the body and the gun," he ordered to no one in particular.

He led her to the doctor's office that looked like an earthquake had hit the place.

"Sir, can you check on her?"

The doctor smiled and neared Alba. "Let's stop the bleeding first, and then, I'll have to examine your eye. It's red and irritated."

"Find my father. He was in the interrogation room." She almost didn't listen to the doctor's words.

"I will," Axel reassured her and left her with the doctor.

The doctor stopped the bleeding and cleaned her face from the dry and fresh blood.

"I'll give you some drops for the eye. You'll put two drops twice a day. If you stop seeing or if you feel pain, you'll come to me. Does it bother you?"

"A little," she admitted.

"It's natural. That guy hit you hard."

"You should see him too."

The doctor chuckled. "Take care of your eye, Agent."

"I will," she said as she took the small bottle with the eye drops.

Alba didn't know where else to go, so she walked straight to the last place she saw her father. The previous empty corridors were now full of agents, assessing the damages, helping injured people, or cleaning the place from the enemies' weapons and the blood.

He's alive. Alaric is dead, but my dad is alive. He must be. Neva probably locked his somewhere or kept him tied. He thought I killed Alaric so maybe, my dad is still unconscious.

The interrogation room she was looking for was a few meters away from her. Outside of it, was a stretcher, a white sheet covering a body.

Certain that this wasn't her father, she confidently removed the sheet. Alaric's dead body was staring at her, the scar on his face still intimidating.

That's good. That's really good.

She exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Clean the corridor before the second stretcher arrives," a voice said from inside the interrogation room.

She lowered her head and looked to the dusty ground. The light of the room reached her legs, the bright lights falling against her dark boots.

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