Chapter 17

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Ignoring the red lake on the ground, she searched Nat's bookcase for the hidden lever. She pushed the bookcase to hide the opening and ran toward her father's office. She fell once as the light turned off for a few seconds but quickly pushed herself to rise and reached the room. No one could get there because no one had removed the wreckage from the west wing, and the secret tunnel was the only way to reach the office.

She turned on the computer, grateful that the Chief's office had its own power generator and entered the cameras' system. The Great Room was full of people. Agents were tied up, beaten or fallen on the ground, probably dead. Men and women she had never seen were holding guns, monitoring the exits.

The same happened in the electronics room, and a grateful sigh escaped when she saw her team alive.

I need to gain access to the drones to see how many men we've got outside. There must be a way to talk to Axel.

She typed fast on the keyboard, trying to hide her presence in the base's system and from all her enemies. She didn't want to risk being spotted there.

Opening every drawer and searching the book case while the computer ran a program, she tried to find a phone or anything she could use to speak with her friend.

Behind a painting, she found a safe.

And of course there is a password. Dammit.

However, instead of numbers, she had to choose letters. The password consisted of four letters.

Alba? Could he have my name?

She entered her name, and a red light lit up.

Nope. If it's going to be something I should remember from the past, I'm going to be very pissed.

She closed her eyes and tried to focus.

He must have put something I could find. Something related to me, but what?

Her fingers brushed the side of her neck and touched the dry blood.

Wait. 4 letters... Estelle means star.

She typed the word, and something clicked. Opening the safe, she found a gun and a cell phone. Not the usual phone the agents had. It was normal, black, and she didn't know how she could use it.

Alright. I must connect it to the base's system, track Axel's phone and somehow call him from this phone. And no one can notice my actions.

"Piece of cake," she muttered and rolled her eyes.

Time was against her, she didn't know who to trust because she was certain that Agent O and Agent 37-T weren't the only agents that worked with the enemy, her father could be dead, she was alone in an office in the middle of destruction, and the only person capable of saving them was on the ground, a few meters above her; so close, yet too far away.

At first, there was silence. Then, a buzzing sound led to static, and finally, someone said, "Hello?"

"Axel!" A huge smile formed on her face.

"Alba? How?"

"It doesn't matter. Is anyone around you listening to us? I still haven't gained access to the drones."

"No, tell me."

"Alright, listen. I'm in my father's office. I think it's the only place I can be safe. The electronics room and the Great Room are full of enemies. I think that some of our agents work for the enemy. There are many dead and injured. My dad-" Her voice broke.

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