Chapter 11

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Alba woke up, sweat dripping from her face, her hair sticking on her forehead. The sheets were wrinkled, and her hands were into fists, grabbing the duvet.

Tell me it wasn't real.

"Please..." she pleaded, but no one was there to answer.

If only Kayla was here. She would tell me it's not real, right?

Her lips trembled, and a small cry escaped. She bent her knees and brought her legs closer to her body as she sat up on the bed. She curled her legs and stayed in that position, trying to calm her heart that was beating very fast.

Inhale, exhale. You will figure this. You survived so many things and here you are.

Her crying stopped slowly, and her heart started beating normally.

She wiped her tears when her phone beeped.

"They arrived."

Thanks, Agent 19.

Alba got up, changed her clothes and put her hair in a quick braid.

She had slept for a few hours, but all those images wouldn't let her mind rest.

The corridors were full of people talking to each other, ordering others around and talking in code.

She headed to the electronics room, avoiding the Great Room on purpose.

"Neva is locked in a cell. So are his men we caught. The Chief went to the clinic for some stitches, some agents are in critical condition, and two agents died." Agent 16-E was typing fast while talking.

"Agent 40-S was limping, and he has a scar on his face, but he's okay," Agent 19 answered before Alba had the chance to ask about him.

"Now, what? Will they interrogate Neva? What can I do?"

"Your job here is done. You can stay here, we monitor Neva's cell, and we'll take shifts watching him over the cameras in addition to the guards out of his cell."

"I can do that."

They looked at the large screen on the wall. The man with the blonde hair was sitting on a chair, his hands cuffed behind the back of the chair.

"He's calm."

"He's evil," Agent 19 answered back.

The Chief and Axel were there, trying to make him talk.

"I didn't know he was interrogating people," Alba whispered.

"He doesn't." Agent 19 shook her head and shrugged.

A phone beeped, and Agent 16-E checked hers. "Assistant Agent X needs a flash drive. Agent 19, can you do it?"

"I can!" Alba took a step forward. "I mean...Agent 19 has more experience so I should do that. I'm sure you need her more right now."

The woman narrowed her eyes as if trying to read her mind.

"She's right," Agent 19 commented while grabbing the flash drive from her desk. "Here." She smiled, and Alba's eyes brightened.

"Very well, go. I want to hear the interrogation."

I'd rather use my time in a different way.

She gave a grateful glance to her friend and stormed out of the room.

Maybe I don't have to break into the office. I can always get the key from dear Nat.

A few minutes later, Alba knocked on her door and a loud "Come in" was heard almost at the same time.

"Hello. I brought the flash drive." She tried to use everything she had learned in the last few days to look like a real agent.

"Thank you." She smiled and rested her hands on the desk.

"Can I help you with something else?"

"No, Agent 23. You may leave."

Think, brain, think! She walked toward the exit when the door burst open, and an agent came panting.

"We need you in the Great Room. It's urgent."

The woman stood up and followed the agent without looking again at Alba.

Finally, something good happened.

Wasting no time, she started searching the drawers.

There you are!

She found the key with the Chief's sign and almost ran to his office. Making sure that no one was following her, she unlocked the door.

Now isn't the time to admire the paintings.

Alba headed to his office. She wasn't sure what she was looking for.

Maybe if I find my file, I will prove that he knew about the amnesia and pretended not to. If I have proof that he lied about that, then I have more chances to prove that he lied about him as well.

Opening the last drawer, she found a gun. She took it out and put it on the desk.

If someone finds me here, I have to protect myself.

She sat on the chair and hacked his computer. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of files there, but she had to focus her research according to names, dates and locations.

The clock on the opposite wall was ticking faster than she wanted, but she couldn't waste her only chance.

"That's me!" she exclaimed as she found her file. She opened it and started reading it, trying to see what they knew about her.

Family status, correct, hobbies, wait what? They know my hobbies? Favorite food? What the hell is that? The parents died, plane crash, Chicago, flight LCH023, nothing unusual.

"Let's see something recent." She entered the accident's date and waited as the screen showed that the system was processing the information.

Suddenly, she heard voices from outside, and her hand grabbed the gun.

Rob and Axel entered the room, and when they saw her, a look of surprise formed on their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Rob asked her.

Alba lifted her head, her eyes flashing with rage and aimed with the gun at him.

"Wrong question, Chief. What are you hiding?" She highlighted the "you."

"Alba, I don't know what you think you know, but not everything is as it seems."

"Don't talk! I'll deal with you later. Now, I'm talking to the other traitor." She spat the last word.

"Alba, please." Rob put his hand in the air, trying to show surrender. "I'll explain everything, but put the gun down."

"I won't do anything! Why did you lie? Why are you following me? What did you do to my parents? And why did you lie about my fucking accident?" Her hands were shaking, but she tried not to lose her aim.

"What accident?"

"Stop lying!" she shouted.

"He doesn't know," Axel said. "He's not responsible for your amnesia."

Rob was looking between Axel and Alba. "You are right. I lied to you. But I have nothing to do with everything you accuse me of. My crime is different."


"Shut up, traitor! Or should I call you Neva?"

"How?" His mouth opened at once.

"Speak!" She was only looking at Rob.

"Axel and I want to protect you because..."

"Because why?" Her smile was haughty.

"Because I'm your father, Alba."

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