4-Like old times

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Sophie POV

"Sophie? You in?" I hear Louise call from downstairs. I roll my eyes at Eddy.

"Fucking cock block" I mutter. "Yeah I'll be right down" I call down to Louise.

"Reminds me of uni" Eddy laughs. Louise was always accidentally ruining our fun, she was terrible for not knocking. She still has no idea how many times Eddy's cock was in my hand or mouth as she opened in the door. We became pro's at making ourselves appear decent within seconds.

I grab some makeup wipes to clean myself off. Not what they were made for but desperate times and all that.

"Eddy!" Louise calls in surprise as we meet her in the kitchen, pulling him into a hug. Louise has always had a thing for Eddy. I'm not worried about it though, Friends are off limits in mine and Eddy's agreement. I can hardly blame her for finding a sexy guy sexy, can I?

"You don't mind if I stay for the weekend do you sugar?" He asks her with a flirty wink.

"Just the weekend? I thought Sophie said you were gonna stay for a week?" She asks looking over at me with a small confused frown.

"Got a meeting first thing Monday in London so I can stay three nights, head down to London Sunday night stay for a few days, be back here for maybe the 20th?"

He looks at me to check but I look at Louise, this is her house. I can't just invite people, Even Eddy.

"Sounds great! Let's order in tonight then we'll catch up and eat junk just like old times" Louise suggests, leading us through to the living room. I make to follow her as Eddy wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing the back of my head and turning our walk into an awkward shuffle.

Louise curls her legs beneath herself in her favourite recliner already on a food app ready to order.

"What are we feeling like? Indian food? Chinese? Pizza?" She asks.

"Not Pizza." I say my mind immediately going to Matt again.

"Yeah I bet you're sick of Italian food" Louise laughs, I nod glad that I don't have to think of any excuses.

Chinese food wins the vote. We order family style, our order well rehearsed over the years. Chilli and garlic chicken for me, sweet and sour for Eddy, special fried rice for Louise and the usual mix of spring rolls and prawn crackers to share.

We all settle in happily eating and listening to Eddy's stories about celebrities he met during his latest assignment and laughing at the ridiculous requests they make.

"No seriously, He requests a barber's chair in his dressing room" Eddy Laughs, "Like why does he even need that? Not like his music is a barbershop quartet" He laughs at his own joke.

"You're an idiot Eddy," I laugh, before letting out a loud belch. "Pardon me! Oh my god that was disgusting" I say. Ignoring the fresh laughter from Louise and Eddy.

"Oh guys seriously I think that food hasn't agreed with me." I say massaging my uneasy stomach.

"Aww, babe sorry that you feel rough" Eddy says draping his arm around me.

"I'll be ok, I might just turn in though, hopefully sleep it off." I say getting up. Eddy begins to stand and follow me. "No stay up, finish your stories, it's still early and I'll be no company" I say kissing the top of his head.

"You sure?" He asks, I reply with a nod. "Ok, call down if you need anything." He says settling back onto the sofa.

I trudge up the stairs a little grumpy that he didn't insist on joining me. Childish I know, I was trying to be nice telling him to stay up but I feel lousy and I want sympathy. Matt Looked after me when I was sick... My brain whispers to me. Yeah he also killed a guy so lets not use him as a measure for a great guy.

I climb into the bed flipping the pillow over to have the cool side against my face hoping it will ease my nausea. I try to block out the sounds of laughter from downstairs, and go to sleep.

I wake up at three am scrambling over Eddy's sleeping body to get to the bathroom where I empty the contents of my stomach.

"Ew, I'm glad I didn't have any of yours" Eddy's sleepy voice comes from behind me. I ignore his less than helpful comment as my body still seems to be trying to force my internal organs through my mouth. I have never thrown up rice before but It is awful. I can feel it scratching the delicate tissue in my throat as it forces its way up. Making it burn and causing my eyes to water.

Even when there is nothing left I continue dry retching for a few minutes before I curl up on the floor cuddling my strained stomach muscles. It's only then that I realise Eddy is standing in the door.

"Really? You know I hate people being near me when I'm being sick" I remind him.

"I left, I promise," he says showing me a glass of water as evidence, offering a hand to help me up and passing me the glass. "Small sips" I nod my thanks.

"Feel better?" He asks, wiping the sweaty hair from my forehead.

"A little, not great though." I reply honestly.

"Come on back to bed you'll feel better tomorrow." He promises. Climbing back into bed I flip the pillow again hoping that Eddy is right.


Eddy was not right. All of our weekend plans have gone out of the window because I can't keep my head out of the toilet. The worst bit was when I thought it was over not being sick for a few hours but then when I was again all the liquid that I had drank came up with such force it was coming through my nose and I couldn't breathe.

When I wasn't showing signs of improvement by Sunday night I gave up the idea that it was bad Chinese food and accepted that it was probably stomach flu. Eddy offered to push his meeting but I don't see how he can help me really. So I decline his offer with the promise that if I am no better by Tuesday I will go to a walk in surgery and get a doctor's opinion.

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