44- Sophie's Dad

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Matt POV

I slip my cell back into my pants, I swear this woman would be late to her own funeral, I think rolling my eyes. Apparently if I want her to be somewhere on time I need to book her through work. I'll keep that in mind for our wedding.

Even her work colleagues got here before her and they went shopping.

The moment they arrived Ma descended on the poor guy like prey. Her gaydar clearly going crazy. Marco hasn't had a seconds peace since. He wasn't happy when I started making jokes about a joint wedding.

I reach into my pocket pulling out Nonna's ring. A white gold band set with an Emerald and diamonds. Apparently Emeralds are Sophie's birthstone, so Ma insisted it would make the perfect engagement ring and had Marco fly it over.

While the girls had their spa day and us guys were sorting out things at the new house Ma had taken the ring to be resized and we collected it this morning. I know Sophie doesn't like expensive gifts as a surprise, (and if she knew what this ring was valued at she would never wear it,) but I'm hoping being a family heirloom it won't count.

Thinking about the engagement I wonder if her Dad knows? I never even thought to ask permission, not that I need to. He doesn't own her. But it might be important to them, although can't be that important. She hasn't mentioned him once before today.

I make my way back to the living room to tell the guests.
"She's coming, her Dad surprised her and took her shopping" I announce.

I immediately hear a scoff from Eddy and catch him sharing a pointed look with Louise.

"What?" I demand. I'm sick of this guy's attitude, I've been trying for Sophie but sometimes I want to punch him so much.

"If Sophie is pissed off with you, you should just man up and admit it. Fucking lying to everyone" he snorts in derision.

"There's nothing wrong with me and Soph." I argue.

"She was right when she said you were a shit liar" he counters. Starting to lose my temper I stride across the room to face him. I notice Louise placing a hand on Eddy's arm as if to calm him down. As if that idiot could do anything to me.

"I'm not a fucking liar." I growl, aware of the complete silence in the room. "Call her and ask if you want"

"Why would I? Maybe if you knew Sophie at all, you'd be more believable. Because Sophie's Dad died when she was twelve"


What the fuck?

I pull my cell out of my pocket dialling Sophie again. Why would she lie? Is she running again? I thought we were happy. She can't just leave me like this!

Her cell doesn't even ring sending me straight to voicemail. I hang up and try again but it's the same. Is it switched off or did she block my number?

The panic on my face must be evident now because Eddy no longer looks smug, he looks worried. Marco strides over to me.

"What?" He asks simply. I don't even know how to explain. I can hear Eddy telling Marco the gist. I can hear Louise saying her calls won't connect but it's like I'm hearing everything underwater, all muffled.

No. I refuse to believe Sophie is running away. I know she loves me.

She has to.

"Check the CCTV around her office." I tell Marco.

"I'm on it." Nico replies from beside me. I didn't even know he was there. He strides out of the room already on his cell. Marco pulls out his cell frowning I don't know or care who he's calling. But it had better be to find my wife.

"She was on snakes pass?" Daisy from her work comments, with a puzzled look on her face.

"She was on what? How do you know?" Watching her cower as my voice rises.

"Ok, watch yourself" Tim says stepping to partially block her from my view.

Daisy holds up her phone with a shaking hand to show me a map with a Bitmoji of Sophie in a car on it.
"Her location was on, on Snapchat." She explains "it says she was on snakes pass,  it's a road through the Peak District, connecting Sheffield and Manchester"

Why would she be going to Manchester? Is she going to the airport? Who has taken her? I dropped her off this morning so her car is here. I shouldn't have listened when she told me to entertain the guests instead of picking her up!

I leave the living room, there are too many people in there and I need to think. Marco is standing in the kitchen speaking on his cell in a low voice. I can see Nico outside the window gesturing wildly as he shouts orders into his cell.

"You should send her friends home." Marco advises me. I give a short nod but I don't leave my spot in the kitchen. Instead Marco calls Lili into the room.

"Get rid of the excess. We need to work" he orders.

"Wait." I stop her. "Not Eddy" Lili looks back at Marco who consents then leaves the room.

As much as Eddy annoys me. He's right. This is because I don't know Sophie, how can I not know her dad died? She was clearly trying to signal me on the phone and I failed her. Eddy would have known.

"Laptop?" Nico asks coming back in. I run upstairs and get my laptop from the bedroom and enter the password before I pass it to Nico.

Nico plugs in some usb and opens a file he's been sent. The screen fills with the image of the street outside Sophie's office. Skipping through the video to when I called Sophie.

"Wait there!" I practically shout in his ear, the image isn't very clear but it is definitely Sophie leaving her office. She then climbs into a limo which quickly takes off.

"Find me that limo." I order

"Already looking. Got people checking nearby cameras for a clear shot of the license. We just have to wait" Nico confirms

"I don't want to fucking wait! I want to find who the fuck has taken my wife! And I want her back. NOW!"

"Matty. Don't shout at Nico we'll find her" Ma says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ma," I choke out. My eyes are burning with unshed tears. "I can't lose them"

"You won't." She promises enveloping me in the type of hug only mother's can give. "We'll find them."

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