33- Matt's first time

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Sophie POV

I leave court smiling, I got the payment schedule for my client at less than half of the offer that the bitch at the housing office had declined, and I had managed to get the court fees waived due to an admin error at their end.

Yes the money for being a lawyer is good, but it's got nothing on this victorious feeling when you help someone and metaphorically give the finger to some arsehole at the same time.

Yay for the little guy! (and not just because I'm short.)

"Now what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" Comes Matt's smooth voice from behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask turning to face him. The view makes my mouth water his fitted jeans and casual white t- shirt cling to his body. But I am more interested in the large Costa coffee's in his hands.

"I thought I'd take my girl to lunch, looks like I timed it perfectly" he smiles, passing me my drink pecking me on the cheek. I take a sip of the hot velvety goodness letting out a satisfied moan.

"If you don't want me to do something really inappropriate to you, then you need to save those noises for when we're alone" Matt whispers in my ear making my face feel warm.

"I thought we were meeting at the hospital?" I ask, changing the subject. Matt just shrugs.
"Not like I was busy. Besides I wanted some time alone with you, without Ma hanging over us" he explains, rolling his eyes.

Mrs Canossa and Matt have been arguing ever since he told her it would only be him and myself at the sonogram. He missed the other ones and he wants this to be special for just the two of us. That went down like a lead balloon with his mother.

We have progressed from the intermittent shouting to silent treatment, I refuse to get involved which apparently means that I have sided with Matt. Unfortunately my court date got scheduled for the same morning as my sonogram. I could have had a colleague go in my place, but I wanted to see it through and stick it to the housing bitch. (I know she was just doing her job but ugh)

Luckily the hospital had a cancellation for this afternoon.

"You snuck out to escape your mum didn't you?" I smirk.

"Do you want that coffee or not?" He threatens, jokingly reaching to take my drink.

"No it's mine!" I laugh, holding my arm out and distracting him with a small kiss.

"Hmm, I'll let you off, but only because I don't want your rubbish decaf anyway. What do you want for lunch?" He asks sipping his own coffee.

"I want fish and chips, if that's ok?"

"You want fish?" Matt asks, coming to a stop. "But you don't like fish?"

"Well apparently the baby didn't get the memo and your 'little potato' wants fish" I shrug.

"Fish it is, do you know anywhere nearby?" Matt asks, lacing his fingers between mine.

"There's a pub just up there, I bet they'll do it" I suggest pointing up the hill. Why is everything in Sheffield up a hill? This city is not built for pregnant women!

Finally making it up the mount Everest type hill (slight slope) we make it to the little pub on the corner. I don't even get through the door when I turn to dash away, a very worried Matt hot on my heels.

After a few deep breaths the nausea passes. It's been so long since I was near alcohol I didn't know the smell of it triggered my sickness. I'm now even more greatful to Matt for not drinking these past few weeks.

"Let's just go buy a sandwich and then meet your baby" I suggest.

"Our baby"

"When I feel like puking a lung, it's all yours" I argue.

After a tuna sandwich to satisfy our little potato we take a bus towards the hospital much to Matt's disgust. Apparently he's never been on a bus! I never realized he was such a snob.

We are still arguing about the merits of taking the bus (despite my clearly correct prediction that there is no parking) when we are called in by the nurse for our appointment.

Matt's grip on my hand seems to tighten as we approach the private sonography room. I squeeze his hand before letting it go to climb onto the bed adjusting my clothes to expose my stomach.

Matt's hand finds mine again as he takes the seat beside me.

"Ooh, cold" I shudder as the conductive jelly is squirted onto my skin. The technician spreads the jelly across my stomach with the wand quietly focusing on the screen for a moment.

"Ok," he comments, switching on the TV screen to share the image of our baby with us. The room is suddenly filled with the strange suctioning sound of our babies heart beat. "I just need to take a few measurements" he explains, talking through the different body parts as he highlights them on the screen.

"Can you tell the gender?" I ask curiously.

"Little one has its legs crossed at the minute so I can't see, but they might move a little with me disturbing them" he explains, we watch the baby wriggling as the wand is pressed firmer into my stomach.

Once the scan is over we collect some prints of the pictures the sonographer took and walk through to the waiting room to see the consultant.

Matt has been silent since we were called into the room and still has a firm grip on my hand.

"Unless you intend to come into the ladies while I do a urine sample, you need to let go" I smile, "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah," he finally responds. "I just thought that seeing the sonogram picture before had made it seem real but really seeing it like that for the first time, was just, wow"

My heart swells at the emotion in his voice,
It's a perfect moment, like something from a story… I just seriously wish I didn't have to pee

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