38- The Godfather

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Matt POV

"She said yes!!"

"Dude, that's amazing! Just a quick one so I can be supportive. Who said yes and what were they asked?" Nico asks.

That's fair, I didn't plan to propose so it's not like Nico has any context.

"I proposed to Sophie. We're gonna be a proper family" I explain, unable to keep the shit eating grin off my face.

"Ladies of Venice will be weeping at their loss man. How did you trick someone as smart as Sophie into saying yes? You threaten to cook again?" He jokes.

"Fuck off, I got down on one knee, did the whole romantic speech thing.."

"HE WAS NAKED'' Sophie shouts from behind me, cracking up laughing. I reach out to swat her on the ass but she dodges it,

"Who's side are you on anyway?" I hiss at her covering the receiver.

She pokes her tongue out at me, in reply. She's been having a good day pregnancy wise, which was evident from earlier on in the bedroom, I love getting to see the cheeky side of Sophie I fell for again.

"Smart, showing her the good's of course she couldn't resist. You're just lucky she hasn't seen me in a swimsuit, you wouldn't have stood a chance." Nico teases.

"Shockingly I'm not worried" I scoff, leaning back on the kitchen work top to watch Sophie cook. She gently sways her hips to the music in her head as she stirs more stock into the rice. It was supposed to be a cooking lesson but apparently even after calling risotto 'easy,' she doesn't have the patience and I'm unteachable. I'm happy just watching my girl though.

"Seriously though, how are you feeling about it? A wife and a baby. Are you nervous?" Nico asks, turning sincere.

"Honestly. Never felt so happy" Sophie glances over her shoulder giving me a dazzling smile. "If I could bottle and sell this feeling I'd be a billionaire"

"What as opposed to the destitute multi millionaire you already are" Nico laughs, "Wait I thought you were a Billionaire?"

"I am" I laugh, "This still feels better" I move forward to wrap my arms around Sophie, using my shoulder to pin the phone to my ear.

"Not when I'm cooking!" she chastises me.

"Urgh, you two are so sickly, I feel like I'm getting diabetes just listening to you" Nico groans.

"Get over it, I only rang so you couldn't cry about being last to know, this time you are the first to know. Don't tell my Ma that you knew before her though" I warn him.

"Ah why would i waste such good blackmail material?" He chuckles, "Hey step out of the room Sophie is in for a minute I want to ask something." he says suddenly serious.

I walk into the living room leaving Sophie to cook, then ask in a low voice

"Ok, what's wrong?"

"Are you serious about all this?" he asks, "Stepping back from the family business, a wife, a baby..."

"Of course I'm serious. Sophie and the baby are the priority now. I can't carry on working for Marco if I have a family. It would be too risky if someone wanted to get something on me" I explain in a low voice, keeping my eyes on the door.

"What about all the people you already dealt with? If one of them comes looking for you now?"

"There's nobody bearing a grudge against me, the people I dealt with know that ultimately I was their best option. Besides, nobody that can't be trusted knows about Sophie or the baby to even start looking for them. They're safe"

"Is Nico coming to the baby shower?" Sophie shouts from the kitchen.

"My fiancée is asking if we will be seeing you at the baby shower on Monday, Godfather Nico?"

"Yeah Lili is dragging me along with her on Saturday, she's even more hyper than usual... Wait Godfather? Really?"

"Yeah, if you want? Or God-person if you prefer, whatever is good for you, Sophie isn't big on religion but she respects that my family is, so she's agreed to getting the baby baptised, even agreed to do it at Ma's church back in Venice, we're planning to come out for Christmas so we both picked a set of godparents each." Sophie appears leaning in the doorway to watch my conversation with a small smile.

"Dude I'd be honoured! Gonna teach that kid so much shit!" I flash Sophie a thumbs up letting her know Nico agreed. She gives a small nod before mouthing "food's ready"

"I'm getting off, my fiancée made me dinner" I chuckle at Sophie's eye roll, "we'll see you next week" I remind Nico ending the call.

"Did you roll your eyes at me?" I ask Sophie, striding up to her and holding her body against mine by the hips.

"Urgh are you trying to go all fifty shades? Do I look like a horny middle aged woman to you?" She laughs, taking my hand to lead me to the kitchen.

"Well... you don't look middle aged" I tease.

"Shut up!" She orders, blushing furiously and shoving a bowl of risotto into my hands. I love how she still goes so shy if I even slightly mention sex to her, even after what we did earlier.

"I called Maddie when you were in the shower." Sophie starts obviously attempting a change of subject. "It was just quick because she was out with some girl friends, but she says her flight will get in late Friday night. She's going to stay over at a hotel near the airport and travel across with Lili the next morning when her flight gets in. I gave her the address just in case."

"I think Nico might be getting the same flight as Lili so they can all travel together" I suggest.

"Lili and Nico are coming together?" Sophie asks, a cheeky twinkle in her eye. I suspect she knows something I don't. I'm gonna have to keep a closer eye on Nico around my sister.

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