18-The Collector

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Matt POV

"Are you fucking kidding?" I ask, "You just heard what happened in there, I have to get to Sophie!"

"Yeah, I just heard that you knocked up some lawyer. Mixing the bitch up in our business" He growls.
"Marc. I'm warning you. Don't talk shit about Sophie again." I threaten clenching my fists in anger.

"Fine." He huff's out, "but you are still doing this. Andre Du Bellay stole a file and I need it back. His sister Camille is his weakness, they are both in Venice. Threaten her and you'll be free to fly off to your little lawyer before the end of the week"

"I thought you and Andre were… y'know" I ask, raising my eyebrow suggestively. Marc quickly glances around, checking behind him that Ma is still in the office.
"We were, but the bastardo stole from me, he needs dealing with and I need that file."

"Figlio di puttana, why are you sending me? Isn't this a Nico job?" I ask, I'm the collector I usually handle debts, Nico is the troubleshooter, 'solving' problems is his area.

"I don't want…." He trails off, "Just fucking handle it Matt!" He snaps. Suddenly I understand why he's mad about Sophie, he's deflecting because we both like the 'wrong person'.

"Fine, but I'm not threatening his sister," I argue, the last thing I need right now is to get mixed up in something else for Sophie to hate me over. I turn my back to him, pressing the button to call the elevator
"Whatever, just get it done." He says as the door closes, the moment I'm alone, I pull out my cell calling Nico, he is going to be the fastest way I can solve this. I don't care if Marc didn't want him.

"Matt I was about to call you. I got an address for Sophie, she just bought a place and she's turned up on a company payroll!" Nico says, as soon as it connects.

"I know, Lili found her, she's with her now. Look I'll explain it all when I see you but I'm calling for a favour, I need you to take Camille Du Bellay to the movies" I tell him.
"Fucking weird favour but ok. Is she hot?" He checks.

"Who cares, you're gonna be in a dark room. I just need her somewhere that she won't be available by phone so I can deal with Andre" I explain.
"Marc having trouble in paradise?" He jokes, "Fine whatever I'll call her, when do you need it done?" He finishes when I don't respond.

"As soon as possible, I need to get it done so I can fly out to England, remember Andre can't know where she's going or it won't work." I remind him.
"Please, that's easy. I was born to be the forbidden fruit, I'll call you back"

Before I even make it to my apartment Nico has already called with the details of his 'date' tomorrow. I'll give it to the guy he works fast. I can spend tonight packing and hopefully I'll be flying out to England tomorrow.

I should probably check in with Lili to see how things are going.

Me: Is Sophie ok?

Lili: she's fine, she is still annoyed with me but I played the loving aunty role and she's letting me stay for a while. I am also fine. Since you didn't ask.

I roll my eyes at her response, she can be so needy sometimes. I need to keep her happy while she is with Sophie though, so I text a quick apology.

I have just changed into some grey sweats and I'm considering getting some sleep when I hear someone enter my apartment. I know it will be Nico, nobody else comes here.
"Can't a guy get some fucking peace" I shout stepping out of my room.

"Language Matteo,"

"Ma? Fuck, sorry, I mean shit… I mean, what are you doing here Ma?" I ask in shock. In five years I don't think she has ever visited my apartment, I always go to her. It's not like she avoids visiting it's just out of respect that I travel to her.

"Matt, what is happening? You're having a baby and you didn't even tell your Mama? Did I do something wrong?" She asks me, her eyes glassy.

"Ma, no" I step forward wrapping my arms around her small frame. "I didn't want you to hate me." I tell her, releasing her she pats my arm and I notice her red swollen hands. Gesturing to the seating area I go to the bathroom getting the first aid kit. I start to gently clean her grazed knuckles with cotton pads.

"I lied to Sophie, I thought she was still too mad to speak to me." I start, the words forcing past the lump in my throat, "I couldn't tell you that you were going to be a Nonna when I couldn't even speak to the mother. I had no idea Mia was doing all that shit. Lili found out she was keeping the calls from me. The rest I found out when you did" I don't meet her eye through my explanation, focusing on her hands. My eyes feel misty but I manage to hold back tears, discarding the used cotton I start to apply some bacitracin.

"Sophie was the girl from your office that day? The one you were kissing right?" I nod confirmation, "she seemed nice, Lili spoke highly of her"

"She is nice, and smart and funny"

"I know she's smart, she fell for my Matteo." She says placing one of her hands over mine. "What Mia did was unforgivable. But you still should have told me about the baby sooner. You're going to make a wonderful Papa"

I let her wrap her arms around me, comforting me the way she would when I was a small boy who skinned his knee.

"Thanks, you know, you've got one hell of a right hook Ma." I tell her, finally meeting her smiling eyes.


"I'll make this easy. Give me the files, and Camille won't get hurt" I tell Andre leaning back in his desk chair.
"You're bluffing. You won't hurt Camille and we both know it" he hisses.

"You're right I won't hurt Camille, that's why I am here. And Camille isn't…" I say pointedly. Andre immediately fumbles for his cell calling Camille exactly as I planned. I watch the colour leave his face as the call rings off.

"Li mortacci tua!" He curses.

"Watch your fucking attitude Andre. The files now and Camille comes home safe." I watch the emotions flicker across his face at his internal conflict, before he conceeds crossing his office and opening a safe to retrieve the files. Thrusting them into my hands.

"Call them then. Let her go!" He orders.
"Patience Andre, gotta check I have what I want." I open the file checking for the seals and watermarks Marc told me to check for.  Seeing everything is in order I collect it in my arms leaving the room.

"Wait! Camille!" Andre shouts across the lobby.
"Oh, she's just on a date at the movies" I smirk. His face is a picture of fury.

"You shouldn't mess with the Canossa family. Next time we won't be so kind."


Figlio di puttana= motherfucker

Li mortacci tua! = Your dead bastard ancestors (like one of the worst insults in Italy)

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