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Matt POV

“I need you and Marc to meet me at the office this afternoon”
“Today? I thought you were out there for another week?” Ma asks, I can hear the concern in her voice.

“Something came up, I’m on my way back. Just waiting for my connection in Qatar I’ll be going straight to the office when I land. So can you be there in around eight hours?” I explain.
“Matteo, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, I just need to handle something and I need your help.”
“Ok we’ll be there.” she promises.

The flight time is killing me. It was almost fifteen hours to get me from Sydney to Qatar, and in an hour I’ll be boarding for another six hours to Venice. The way out wasn’t so bad as I spent a day in Qatar before connecting and I slept most of the flight.

This time I haven’t slept since Lili’s call which was almost twenty hours ago. I’m too wired, my mind still hasn’t been able to work out what is really going on, and Lili said she can't answer my calls right now.

Pacing back and forth in the departure lounge I text Lili.

Me: Are you with her? Is she ok?
I stare at the three little dots telling me that she is typing.

Lili: I am with her. She is still mad at me for calling you last night. Maddie is doing damage control.

Me: Is she ok though? Is the baby ok?

I finally asked the question that had been on my mind for months. I stop pacing my body frozen in anticipation for the answer, my breath caught in my throat.

Lili: Sophie is fine. Baby is healthy, sixteen weeks now, she has a cute little bump.

I let out a long breath. They’re ok, I read the message again. It says she has a bump. I wish I could see. I have never felt more envious of Lili, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to swap places with her right now. My phone buzzes with a new message.

Lili: Don’t worry. I won’t leave her, just sort things out and get here soon to fix this.

My throat burns with emotion. I don’t know how I will ever repay Lili for this. I don’t know how she found her or why she didn’t tell me before, but as long as I can fix this I don’t care. With that massive weight off my mind I board my flight to Venice, falling into a deep sleep as soon as I hit the chair.

I’m woken by a smiling flight attendant.
“Sir, Excuse me Sir, We have arrived” I look around to see first class is already empty with the exception of some flight crew and myself. Nodding my thanks I leave making my way to the exit. Where Leo is waiting.

"What happened?" He asks as soon as we're alone in the car. I pause for a minute thinking of how to answer.
"I think someone was messing with Sophie…." I see his knuckles pale as he grips the wheel tighter, he meets my eye in the mirror and gives a nod. His jaw clenched.

Arriving at the office, Mia greets me at the elevator.
"I wasn't expecting you back so soon, but Mrs Canossa and your brother are in the office, they said you were expecting them?" She says quizzically. I take Mia in, she's been my secretary for over five years. Has she really been keeping things from me? What else don't I know?

"Direct the calls to voicemail and join us in the office" I order, beckoning Leo to follow me inside.
"Matt. What's this about?" Marc asks as soon as I enter. Ma automatically standing to embrace me.

"Lili told me I need to look into something, I thought it would be best if you were here while we work it out. We're just waiting for Mia and we'll start." Gesturing for them to take the leather sofa. I am too on edge to sit, so I perch on the edge of my desk arms folded waiting for Mia to enter.

"Take a seat Mia," My voice is cold and dangerous. "Tell me what you have been doing with Sophie." I don't know what people were expecting me to ask but that obviously wasn't it. I don't miss the questioning look Ma shares with Marc and Leo. But Mia, she looks like all the blood just drained from her face. I know in that instant Lili was right, Mia was keeping her calls from me.

"I-I don't… I don't know what you mean?" She stammers out, trying to subtly wipe her hands on her skirt.
"I will save you some time, I already know. I am just giving you a chance to come clean." I tell her, Mia's eyes dart around the room as if someone might speak for her.

"I did it all for you! I was protecting you!" She suddenly blurts out.
  "All? What's all? What exactly did you do?" Ma asks, rising from her seat to stand beside me. Her eyes not leaving Mia. I notice the subtle movement of Leo as he now blocks the door behind her.

"I could tell she was trying to get her claws into him the minute I met her. So I just tried to show Matt that she didn't fit, like when I sent her to the carnival. I was sure that would show them it was a bad fit." She says twisting her hands in her lap. I try to keep my face expressionless, has this really been going on that long?

"But it didn't work, he spent all his time talking about her after that, visiting her hotel, so I tried separating them instead, I made sure Matt was fully booked, I threw out her gala invitation, but she still came, I had to 'accidentally' spill my wine on her so she would feel leave early… but he left with her." She admits. My mouth is dry at her confessions, how had I missed all this?

"I got desperate so when security rang to tell me she was on her way up, the same day I saw on the news that Mr Thornton died. I took things into my own hands, leaving the le gala documents where she would find them so she'd make the Thornton connection. I thought for sure that had done it, but then I've still had to shred her letters & refuse her calls." I can't speak. I don't believe what I am hearing.

"But why?" Ma asks her
"To protect him… Shes not good for him, she wouldn't fit in this world. She doesn't understand him like I do" Mia says starting to sob in earnest.

"Ma..." I pause,  "She scared away the woman carrying your grandchild, and Lili says she told her I said to get rid of it." I explain quietly. The anger that rolls off of my usually stoic Mother is terrifying! She's like a wild animal how she launches herself at Mia in a furious rage. Hitting every part of her she can reach, until Mia is lay on the floor a quivering mess.

“Ma, you’re fucking scary when you’re mad” Marc says impressed “Need a job?”. “Language Marc, Now go and get my grandbaby Matt”

I don't need to be told twice, immediately striding from the room.
"Matteo." Marc calls catching my attention. "You still owe me for using the jet. I have a job for you before you go"


Ok honestly did anyone work out the Mia thing before? I was trying to leave little clues but not be obvious & I'm curious if it worked

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