Chapter Twenty-One

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Alexander's POV

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Alexander's POV

The orange hues of the sun, seeped through the window, creating a light airy feel in the room. The sounds of the birds chirping were distant, yet I could hear them clearly. It felt like all my senses had heightened, making me appreciate the beauty of nature.

Lying down in bed, I averted my eyes to the beauty that was sleeping on top of me. Louisa, sleeping peacefully, her stomach and chest pressed onto me. My arm around her soft, smooth shoulders. Her delicate hair covering her face, I brushed the strands back behind her ears, to capture and admire her elegance.

Even sleeping, drooling on me, she was heavenly. I felt like the luckiest man on earth. The way she opened up to me last night, it was like our souls connected. I saw the fire of passion in her eyes. The first day I laid my eyes on her, I was captured, I was star-struck by her heavenly beauty. It took all my strength not to kiss her that day, and the many times after that.

I chuckled, remembering the first time I saw her. I never was the one to go drinking at the pub, especially alone. For some reason I was somehow destined to go that day. I saw Louisa, slumped down on the bar stool. She looked like she had the whole earth weighing down on her shoulders. She seemed familiar to me, like I had seen her before.

I wanted to find a way to talk to her, I didn't want to come across as the creepy guy, approaching a girl on her own. I thought the best thing would be to buy her drink. I was like a giddy child when she came to me. All I could see was, stress in her eyes. I wanted to help her.

When she revealed her idea of applying, I couldn't stop roaring with laughter on the inside. All I could do was advise her to go for it.

I wasn't sure I would see her again, but I did. The brief moment in the carpark. The way my heart skipped many beats seeing her again. Yet again, it took all my strength not to grab her and kiss her.

Viv had interviewed many people, each time I would watch from my office, praying that she didn't give the job to someone else. The last interview of the day was, Louisa's.

When Viv told me, she decided Louisa was the one, I was elated. I felt like I had to celebrate. That's when I knew Louisa was the one for me. Fate had brought us together for the third time. Seeing her at the club again, my heart was bursting with happiness, almost as if it would jump out of my chest.

Dancing together, with the combination of the music, lights and alcohol was electrifying. When she had her hands around me, all my senses in my body were tense. The effect she had on me was truly one in a million. Her jittery hands were trying to capture everything on her phone, I felt like I had to assist. That's when I took over, grabbed her phone and took pictures.

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