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It was another hot day on the high seas. The straw hats were going about their day on the sunny. Luffy was sitting on the railing with the telescope looking around for anything that'll catch his attention.

After a few seconds, he got bored. "Ugh! This is so boring, There's not-...Hey! Hey! I see something!" He yells trying to get everybody's attention.

"Will you knock it off, I'm trying to sleep, you idiot." Zoro yawns as he was sleeping in the shade close by.

"But I see something! Come and look!" He says now standing on the railing.

"What is he yelling about this time?" Sanji sighs while coming out of the kitchen and the others emerge from their spots.

"Let me see." Nami takes the telescope from Luffy as he points to where he saw whatever it was that caught his attention.

"He's right, there is something out there. It's a boat."

"Ah! It's the Marines! They've found us again!" Usopp panics in the back.

"No, it's not them. It's was too small, it's more like a one-person boat." Nami zooms in as far as she could. "It's someone on there. They don't look too good."

"Let's go see if they need help!" Luffy says.

The pirates steer the sunny towards the direction of the little boat just floating along the water.

"I don't know, What if it's a trick?" Zoro says with his swords clutched in his hand.

The straw hats look down seeing a female laying in the boat, she had something clutched in her hold. She was either sleeping or unconscious.

Luffy stretches his arm down and reeled her up on deck and lays her down. Everyone circled around her.

She had chocolate skin, plump lips, long lashes, and big fluffy hair that looked so soft to the touch.

"She's Beautiful!~" Sanji swoons.

"Is she dead?" Luffy asked.

"She's still breathing obviously." Nami says.

Luffy pokes her cheek a few times to wake her up.

"Quit it, Moron!" Sanji yells.

That's when the girl wakes up and immediately she's starts screaming and wielding a knife causing everyone to jump back.

"I knew it! We're under attack!" Usopp panics and covers his head.

That's when everyone got into stance and held out their weapons.

"Stop it! Wait!" Nami cries out. Both her and Robin came to your defense. "She's afraid."

Everyone lowered their weapons from you. "It's alright. We mean no harm. Why don't you just put the knife down. It's alright." Robin reassures and kneels down.

You slowly placed your weapon down until your hand was flat on the grassy deck. "Now, that's better."

Everyone lowered their weapons as well and Luffy was face to face with you. "Hey there! I'm Luffy! I'm the captain of this crew! We're the Strawhats! That's Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook."

"What do they call you?" Nami asked.

"(y/n), just (y/n)." Your voice raspy and dry.

"Let's get you some water." Nami help you up and takes you to the kitchen.

"I don't know, are you sure this still isn't a trick?" Zoro asked.

"You meathead! Show some respect!"

"You wanna go, shitty cook!?"

"Knock it off you two!" Nami called out.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now