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A/n: Some of the plot of this story was inspired by Tangled, and a bit of Ponyo.

You were gently rocking back and fourth on the railing as you watched the waves go by. "If you keep rocking back and fourth like that, you're gonna fall in the water." You heard Zoro say.

"But I'm bored." You turned to face him.

"Why don't you play that flute thing, then?"

"Don't feel like it." You plopped on the grass.

"I got something you can do, Come're." He curled his finger.

"What?" You asked walking further. "Come sit on this barrel, you can be the extra weight."

You arched your brow. "You're saying I'm fat?"

"No! I-I'm not!" Zoro starts to sweat. You snorted at his reaction. "I'm just playing with you." You go to sit on the barrel.

"You're lucky I don't throw you in the water myself." Zoro grabs the barrel and starts to bench press.

"Please don't drop me." You say as you nervously hold onto the barrel.

"I'm not gonna let you fall, don't worry." He reassures.

"How many of these can you lift anyways?" You asked looking down at him.

"Four...maybe five more, I'm pretty strong." Zoro says.

"I can tell, no wonder why you sleep so much, must be tiring having all those heavy muscles all the time."

Zoro chuckles at your statement. "You're an odd one."

"Says the guy who lifts weights with his teeth." You playfully stick out your tongue, making him chuckle again.

"Your swords are beautiful by the way."

"Thank you." He takes a moment to breathe, then with one arm he gently sits you on the grass. "See, safe and sound." He reassures. You lay back on the grass as Zoro drinks some water. "Let's see if that Ero cook made anything." Zoro says while making his way towards the kitchen.

You opened the door to the galley and saw Luffy stuffing his face while Usopp was tinkering away at something.

"Hey Usopp, What'cha makin' today?" You asked.

"Your very own slingshot, I just finished it today." He says while taking his goggles off.

"You made me a slingshot?"

"Yeah, you'd thought I'd forget? I was just adding the finishing touches." He holds up the finished piece towards you. "Go on, take it. Don't be shy."

It felt perfect in your hand, you even noticed the cute little carvings around the handle. "This is amazing, I love it!"

"You really love it?"

"Hell yeah I do! I wanna go test it out!" You run out towards the main deck.

"How come I don't get a slingshot?" Luffy whines.

"You're literally a human sling shot." Usopp says.

"So? Still want one." Luffy pouts.

"Usopp! Come on!" You shouted.


"You see that salvage over there? Try and shoot it with this Buckshot." Usopp says while placing it in your hand.

You take a deep breath and started to aim. "Make sure to your arm is straight, and pull back as far as you can."

In one swift motion the Buckshot went flying but went straight into the water. "Dammit."

Usopp chuckles. "It's okay. Just try again."

He takes your wrists into his hands and fix your angle, "Maybe try aiming it this way."

He hands you another Backshot and and you take aim. You take a deep breath and fire your shot, and by surprise you hit the bottle.

"You hit it!" Usopp cheers. You started to shriek out of delight, and you bounced up and down. "I did it! I can't believe it, I hit it on the second try!"

You jumped into the snipers arms and hugged him tight, nearly knocking you both over. You instantly pulled away and composed yourself. "Sorry about my enthusiasm."

"I-I like your enthusiasm." Usopp says with a flushed look on his face.

"S-so...we land in a few days, are you ready for swimming lessons?" Usopp asked.

"I'm still a little nervous, and I finally passed Chopper's class on swimming basics." You laughed.

"Well, don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens to you, I'm also the best swimming teacher in East Blue." Usopp points to himself.

You smirked. "Well, lucky me, I have a teacher whose both cute and the best."

Usopp's body froze in place, his face turning a bright red.

"I'm gonna go show the others!" You smiled and ran off.

"The Hell's wrong with him?" Zoro asked while coming out of the galley.

"S-she thinks I'm cute." Usopp mutters.

"She thinks I'm Cute!"

Bit of a lazy chapter.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now