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A very short chapter, but I just wanted to get something out since it's been a while since I've worked on this story.


Breakfast cocktails are the perfect way to embrace island time..

After getting dressed, you oiled your braids and scalp and made your way back onto the beach.

"Hey there, (y/n). Good morning!". Nami Greets.

"Mornin', Nami." You say while grabbing breakfast.

"Never took you to be the early bird." She says.

"Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. I was just excited to get back in the water again, guess my body set its own alarm." You took a sip of your juice.

"After breakfast, wanna play a game of volleyball?"

"I've never played before."

"I can teach you, it's so much fun." Nami offered.

"Sure, I'll give it a try."


You decided to take a break after a game of volleyball, which you quickly learned how to play, and enjoy the beautiful weather with the others.

"Such a beautiful day." You say while fanning yourself with a sensu.

"I'll say." Says Brook while drinking a cocktail.

"How does that taste?" You asked.

"Pretty good, not too strong." He says.

"Can I try?" You got curious.

"Just a sip." Brook says while handing you the Mai Tai cocktail.

"Looks pretty." You took a sip and nearly spat the drink out the minute it touched your tongue.

"It's so strong! What's in that?!" You say passing the drink back to a laughing Brook.

"Here pretty girl, drink this instead." Sanji says while handing you a lychee jasmine tea drink.

"This tastes a whole lot better." You say after tasting the second drink.

"Now all I need is some coconuts, I wanna make a few cocktails with those." Says Sanji.

"Don't worry, I got it." You say sitting down your drink. You grab your slingshot out of your back pocket and a few pebbles.

"Watch your heads!" You called out to the others who were nearby.

You shot at the coconut tree nearby and one by one the three coconuts came down from the tree. 

"There you go, knock yourself out."

You heard clapping behind you and saw Luffy and Chopper.

"That was amazing!"

"How'd you learn to do that?!"

A smile spread across your face as you shrugged."Good teacher." You looked over and waved at Usopp.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now