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The lateness of the night was beginning to take its toll on your body, and you knew it was time to sleep. Though sleeping outside wasn't your preference at the moment. You said your goodnights to the crew, who were still up and about, and made your way onto the ship.

You washed the day off you and made your way to bed. Once you got comfortable, you turned to face the window, looking at the stars and hearing the waves crashing on the sand and hearing the others still socializing outside.


The next morning, you were the first to get up and the first thing you wanted to do was get back in the water. Not risking being pulled out into the sea, you went down to the boy's cabin to go wake Usopp. You climbed onto his bed and straddled his chest.

"Usopp, wake up." You whispered.

You didn't get a response, so you poked his cheek and chest until you got a reaction. "Usopp, wake up."

The sniper opened his eyes and he instantly froze.

"(y/n)...what are you doing?"

"Waiting for you to get up." You say looking down at Usopp, who's face was slowly turning red.

"What can I do for you?"

"I wanna go back in the water, could you come with me?"

"Alright, but it's still early. Let's wait until the water warms up a little, don't want you catching a cold." He says.

You gave a light pout. "Fine, I'll wait. But I'm still going on the beach."

You climbed off his chest and made your way towards the exit.



"Don't get in that water." Usopp warns.

"Alright, alright." With that you left.

Usopp plopped his head back on his pillow and covered his face. "Goddammit."


Not long after, Usopp got out of bed and got ready for the day, once he made it out on the deck he saw you combing the beach finding different shells that caught your eye.

Usopp, couldn't help but chuckle, he thought you looked so adorable exploring the beach. You sat down on the sand and just took in the sun that was starting to rise above the water.

Usopp noticed how peaceful you looked watching the waves touch the white sands, but for some reason, instead of the usual sparkle, there was just a slight glint in your eyes, almost like they were trying to say something, it was odd, and he could've sworn he's noticed it once or twice before. He didn't want to pry, be secretly wanted so bad to know what you weren't saying.

"A girl so beautiful shouldn't have a worry in the world." He thought to himself.

In his mix of thought, he noticed you were looking in his direction, and you smiled.

He nervously smiled back and made his way on the beach.

"I thought you'd never get out here." You say.

"How sweet, waiting for me." Usopp flashed you a smile.

You started to undress, and Usopp quickly turned around.

"It's just my bathing suit underneath, you don't have to turn around." You reassured.

"I-I...sorry, force of habit." The sniper turned around as you were folding your clothes and placing them neatly on the sand.

"So, is the water warm enough?" You asked.

"I think we'll be alright." Usopp takes hold of your hand and you both made your way into the water.


Swimming was something you never even considered, convinced that the ocean was too dangerous and unpredictable. And that you shouldn't get your hair wet. Turns out, you were actually a fast learner and it was quite refreshing.

You were learning to hold your breath underwater, and this time you opened your eyes, it was a surprise at first, but you couldn't believe how beautiful everything was under the water, Usopp, who was under with you, showed you how to swim to the surface. Once at the top you instantly wiped the salt water from your eyes. "I actually didn't drown." You laughed.

"Well, we don't want that." Usopp said. He noticed that you were constantly running your fingers through your hair.

"Are you okay?" Usopp asked.

"Yeah,'s silly now feels so weird getting so much water in my hair." You say with a nervous laugh.

Usopp takes your hands into his, removing them from your hair. "It's okay, you know it'll wash out. It's just water."

"Yeah, I know." You say. "Like I said it's silly to think of it now."

"You're fine." Usopp says in a reassuring voice. "I get it though, I feel like that with my hair sometimes."

"You do have very nice hair." You say tracing your fingers though his wet curls.

"It's actually nice seeing a person with hair like mine." Usopp says.

You smiled, as your hands trailed down when you noticed a few marks on his neck. "What happened here?"

"Oh, it's nothing they're just stretch marks, I have a few more of em' on my body. It's a story you probably don't wanna hear." He brushed it off.

"I love your stories, I wouldn't mind hearing it." You say.

"Well, to make a long story short, I was really over weight, I was on an island that was nothing but food, and literally, nearly ate myself to death."

"An island with nothing but food? That sounds like a paradise."

Usopp laughs. "You would think...turns out, if you do nothing but eat, the island will eat you."

"Okay, that's terrifying."

"Tell me about it."

It was a moment of silence between the two of you when you heard someone call from the ship.

"Hey you two, breakfast!" It was Sanji.

You both made it back on the beach as everyone started waking up and emerging from their ships.

"Meet you at breakfast, I'm going to wash off." You say.

"I'll make sure Luffy doesn't steal your plate." Usopp calls out.

"Thanks! I owe you one." You then disappear into the bathroom.

Once you closed the door behind yourself, you could help but bury your face in your towel.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now