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"Ready or not, here I come!" Chopper calls out as he runs around the deck as you, him, and Luffy were playing hide-and-seek. "Found you!" Chopper taps you with his hoof when he found you behind the stairs.

"Aw, no fair." You give a playful pout as chopper laughed. "Now you have to help me find Luffy!"

You placed Chopper on your shoulders as you both looked around the ship for the captain. "Maybe he's in the kitchen." You say. Chopper shakes his head. "No, that'll be too easy."

Then you suddenly head a crash causing both of you to jump. "Uh oh, that sounds like it came from Usopp's lab." Chopper says.

You rushed downstairs and saw Luffy with a guilty smile on his face. "We found you!" Chopper says.

"What did you do?" You asked seeing a few things knocked over. "I saw a spider." Luffy says while rubbing the back of his head.

Suddenly you all heard a high pitched scream. "My lab!" Usopp rushes in seeing the mess. "LUFFY YOU IDIOT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

"Come on Chopper, I'm gonna take you back to your mom." You say referring to Robin.

A few minutes later, you came back down into the lab and you Luffy in the corner with a giant lump on his head. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's not as bad as I thought." Usopp says while still picking up pieces. "Let me help you." You offered while picking up a few stray pieces.

"What were you making anyways?" You asked.

"Eh, I kind of was just messing around." He says. A few seconds passed and he spoke up again. "I heard you in the music room earlier, you're pretty good."

"Oh, thank you" You say. "Well, I'm still learning. I feel like I can do better."

"What do you mean?"

"Felt like it wasn't great is all." You shrugged.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, it was neat."

"Well it's just that, my father..." You paused.

"Your father what?" Usopp asked. But you never responded to his question, like you never spoke in the first place.

Usopp's curiosity was peaked as you kept your eyes to the ground.

"(Y/n), (y/n)?" You looked up once you heard your name.

"Oh sorry." You say and going back to cleaning. "My mind was somewhere else."

You both reached for the same part when Usopp's hand touched yours. "Sorry!" He instantly pulls away.

You couldn't help but laugh. "It's fine."

"My head hurts...." You heard Luffy whine.

"Well good!" Usopp barks at him.

"Where should I put these?" You asked. "Just put them in that box, I'll organize them later."

You dumped all the parts in the box and brushed off your hands. "Sorry about the mess."

"Don't worry about it, we're famous for messes." Usopp chuckles.

The next day

"(y/n), would you like some tea?" Robin offers. You get up from your spot and goes to sit with her.

"Thank you." Robin goes to pour you a cup while chopper was munching on scones.

"Chopper, save some for (y/n)." Robin says in a motherly tone.

"They smell delicious, maybe I should make the next batch." You offered, looking at all the tasty treats on the table.

"Ah, Sanji would be excited." Robin says. You go to drink your tea and the two noticed that you would raise your pinky when you would take a drink.

Robin would always take note on certain things you would do that peaked her interest, like how you would walk a certain way, how you would put your napkin in your lap, and a few other things. But not wanting to upset you, she decided to keep it to herself.

"Hey Robin."

"Yes dear?"

You were very cautious on what you were going to say next. "Are you sure you guys want me on your journey?"

"Sweetheart, you stay as long as you want. We adore you, even if some of us has a funny way of showing it." Robin strokes your cheek with her thumb.

"I like (y/n) here!" Chopper says. Robin chuckles. "I agree."

You give a soft smile and traced your finger around the teacup. "I'm glad you guys feel that way."

"Come to my library, it's a stress free zone." Robin holds her hand out to you.

Little did you know that Usopp was at the top of the stairs looking down at you while tending to his pop greens. He rested his cheek in his palm as a dreamy smile crept on his face.

"Take a picture it'll last longer!" Franky laughed.

"I..I wasn't staring!" Usopp protests and going back to his plants.

"Sure, sure. She's a pretty one."

"Yeah, I know." Usopp mutters.

"Where do you think she's from? Hasn't said much 'bout that."

"Well, I don't want to say much but...I think she wasn't happy where she was last."

"Eh? You think so?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to upset her. But I'm curious, I'm hope she isn't in any danger."

"Like Hell if she is. We won't let that happen." Franky says while punching his fist into his hand.

"Franky, how do you even talk to girls?"

Franky couldn't help but laugh causing Usopp to get embarrassed. "You talk to em' all the time, why so nervous all of a sudden?"

"It's complicated, alright?" Usopp lets out a puff of breath.

Franky lets out another laugh. "I remember being that age."


"Your library is beautiful." You say looking around.

"You come in whenever you like." Robin offers while sitting in a chair. "So, what is it that's on your mind?"

"A lot of things actually." You say.

"Well, name one." She says.

"I...um...have nowhere to go." You say.

"Nowhere to go? But your here."

"I know but, I don't feel like I fit in with you guys." You say truthfully.

Robin chuckles. "We're pirates dear, we don't fit in anywhere."

You let out a soft laugh. "I guess that's true."

"You shouldn't feel left out, we absolutely adore you. Just be yourself."

"Be myself...hm, it's kind of hard when I don't know who that is."

"Ah, I see. Well, you have all the time in the world to find her." Robin gets up from her chair and pats your head as she leaves.

"All the time in the world huh?"

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now