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"It's nice to have another girl on the ship. The next stop we make, we should go shopping." Nami says.

"That sounds nice, but we have limited funds at the moment." Robin says while reading her book.

"Yeah, you're right." Nami sighs.

"I have money." You say.

The two girls looked at you. You went into your bag and pulled out a few wads of cash.

Nami's eyes widened. "Where did you get all that?!"

"I...I saved up." You say.

"How much is that?" Robin asked.

"A few thousand. I don't mind giving you some."

"We can't take your money." Robin says. 

Nami was about to open her mouth but Robin quickly covers it.

"I don't mind, you guys can use it for food and supplies." You say.

Robin uses an extra hand to pat you on the head. "That's very sweet of you. Go give it to Sanji, he'll put it in the safe."

You take one of the wads of cash and go to find Sanji. 

"This should hold up for a long time. Thanks a bunch, (y/n)." Sanji says while putting the cash in the safe.

"Where did you get all that money anyway?" Zoro arched his brow.

"Are you accusing my (y/n)-swan of being a thief?! How dare you!" Sanji charged at Zoro.

After a few seconds of them fighting, you causally walked out of the room.

The sun was starting to set and it was time for dinner. The table was filled with good spirits and laughter as everyone enjoyed dinner and Luffy trying to steal off of other people's plates.

When it was time for bed, Nami and Robin set up a cot for you to sleep in. "I'm sure you'll be comfortable." She says while grabbing some extra pillows.

"Thank you, it looks comfy." You say while twisting your hair and tying it down with a scarf.

"What are you doing with your hair?" Nami asked.

"I have to tie it down or else it'll be stiff and hard to comb." You say.

"And you have to do that every night?" Nami asked.

You not while sitting on the cot. "Yeah, it's a process."

You and the girls spent most of the night talking until you guys decided it was time to go to sleep.

Later in the night, you got out of bed and quietly walked out of the room making sure you didn't disturb Nami or Robin. When you made it out to the deck, you felt the night air hit your face. It wasn't too chilly but it was a cool night.

You looked up and saw a silhouette in the crow's nest. You made your way up there and saw that Usopp was on lookout duty. You cleared your throat and he nearly screamed until he saw you.

"Oh, hey there (y/n)." He says.

"Hey." You decided to take a seat next to him.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked.

"Well, yeah. I just started to walk around until I get tired again."

Usopp goes into his bag and pulls out a thermos and opens it. You watched as he poured a hot liquid into the cup and hands it to you.

You look at the drink and back to him. "Don't worry, it's tea."

You take a sip and your body was engulfed with warmth. "It's so good."

"Thank you. It's a recipe I picked up in Wano Country."

Usopp paused for a moment when a question popped into his head. "By the way, where are you from?"

"It doesn't matter, I left and I'm not going back."

Usopp arched his brow, but he decided not to push. "Oh."

"It's just something  I rather not talk about."

"I get it, besides you've only known me for a few hours so I get it."

"Maybe I'll talk about it one day."

"Well, when you're ready, I'll be listening."

You smiled and finished the last of your hot drink. "Thank you for the tea."

"No problem."

"I should um...I should go back to bed."

"Alright then, sweet dreams." 

You waved and made your way down from the crow's nest to get a goodnight's sleep.

Peaches || An Usopp x Black!(Self-insert)Reader One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now