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You made your way back to the Sunny and you were instantly greeted by Robin and Nami with multiple shopping bags and Chopper rummaging through some of the shopping bags for the things he bought.

"Did you guys buy the whole store?" You laughed.

"Not this time." Nami smiles. "Oh! (y/n), I bought the cutest bangle! Take a look." She says showing on her wrist, a rose gold bangle with tiny diamonds imbedded all around.

"That's beautiful, Nami. It matches your Aesthetic." You say.

"Why thank you!" Nami gushes.

"Robin, do you think you can braid my hair down for when I go swimming, if it's not too much trouble." You asked.

"No trouble at all." Robin smiles at you.

"Learning to swim huh? Make sure to be careful, we don't want you to dry drown." Chopper says.

"What's dry drowning?" You asked.

Chopper shakes his head. "(y/n), (y/n), (y/n), there's a lot you need to know." He grabs your hand and leads you to his office.


"I thought I'd find you in here." You heard Usopp's voice.

"Chopper's teaching me how other ways water could kill me." You say casually.

Usopp let's out an awkward chuckle from your statement and he noticed you looked up at his hat.

"I never met this little guy before, who's your friend?"

"Oh, that's Gama, he's pretty shy, so he's usually in my room when he's not on my head." Usopp says.

"He's so cute, nice to meet you Gama." You say while gently scratching under his chin, which earned you a croak out of a response.

"Are you nervous, you know about learning how to swim?"

"A little, can you tell?"

"Yeah, It's not so bad once you get the hang of it, but I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He says.

You felt your cheeks heat up. "Thanks, that means a lot."

"Oh, I nearly forgot, are you left handed or right handed?"

You arched your brow. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, if you're wanting to learn how to probably hold a slingshot, it's always good to use your dominant side. But then sometimes, it could be the other way around, it depends." Usopp explains.

"Wow, there's a lot to this whole slingshot thing, maybe I'm not up for it."

"Well don't say that, who knows you might be a pro at it."

"Hm, I guess so."

"How come you always do that?"

"Do what?" You asked.

"You're always hard on yourself when it comes to learning new things." Usopp says.

You just shrugged. "I don't know, force of habit I guess."

"Is it because of your old life?" Usopp asked, being careful not to hit any trigger points.

"You can say that, it's a toxic trait I know, but...I can't help it."

"It's nothing to be ashamed about, how else are you gonna experience life without it's messiness."

You snorted. "That made no sense, but I get you."

Usopp chuckles as his flicks your giant puff tail.

"Oi!, Lunch is ready!" You heard Sanji from outside.

"Let's go before Luffy eats it all from us." Usopp says while getting up from his spot.

You arrived in the kitchen and Sanji was placing another platter of burgers on the table.

"Oh yes!" Luffy cheers and starts picking the veggies off his burgers before scarfing them down.

You grabbed what you wanted to eat and then placed your napkin on your lap. You looked at the hamburger for a minute and then picked up up with both pinkies out.

"What the Hell are you doin'?" Zoro asked, seeing how oddly you were holding your burger.

You instantly dropped your pinkies and avoided eye contact.

"You stop offending her!" Sanji smacked Zoro on the back of his head.

"Don't hit me, Ero Cook!"

"Take it outside!" Nami yells.

Usopp, who was sitting next you you, picks up his burger and copy your actions. "Hey that's pretty neat," He takes a bite out of his food. "It tastes a lot better this way."

Feeling less embarrassed, you let out a laugh.

"Showing off on us aye gal?" Frank gently nudges your arm.


Later that afternoon, you were on top of the ship with Robin as she was watering her flowers.

"You know Zoro wasn't trying to be rude earlier, he just says what's on his mind." She says.

"Yeah I know, it didn't bother me. I do weird things." You say.

"Well welcome to the Strawhats." Robin jokes.

"Hey Robin?"

"Yes (y/n)?"

"I think I want to change my name." You say.

Robin turns around and sits down her watering pot. "How come you want to change your name?"

"Well, I want to be my own person. There's nothing wrong with my name, don't get me wrong, I just feel like with (y/n), there's too much baggage that comes with it."

"Well (y/n), Your name is what makes you unique, but I understand what you mean."

"Back at home, I had all these responsibilities and just my name being called every 5 minutes, I just wanted to scream." You groan.

"You'd rather go by a nickname?" Robin asked.

"That's exactly what I want to do."

Robin smiles and claps her hands together. "Well then, when you decide on your new nickname, let's get started on your hair."


"You hair is beautiful." Robin says.

"Thank you, sorry if it's a lot to work with." You say.

"Nonsense, such beautiful full hair." She says with a smile.

You sat back as Robin continued to work with your hair, she was so gentle that you barely felt her hands in your hair.

"All done." You heard her say.

You looked in the mirror and felt the straight back braids. Even the part pattern was pretty.

"You should be set for swimming lessons." You turned around and gave her a tight hug. Robin was taken back for a second but she hugs back.

"Thank you so much." You say in her chest.

"You're very welcome." She says.

You stayed in the hug just a little bit longer, her embrace was so warm and safe. Almost like a mother's.

"(y/n)?" You suddenly pulled away, thinking you over did it with the hug.

"Sorry." You say while smoothing out your shirt.

"No need, you're so cute." She says while pinching your cheek.

You made your way back outside, and just on cue you heard Luffy's excited voice. "Holy crap! Look at your hair! Can I touch it?!"


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