Part One - Chapter Eight: Victoria's Secret Show 2010

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Eliana took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror, she had spent hours preparing for this moment and she knew that there was no backing out; she closed her eyes glad that the show was finally here.

Eliana had been modelling for Victoria Secret for three years now and she loved it, the girls were like her sisters and she knew that she would never find friendship like she had with them.

"So how are you and Cristiano?" Behati asked from her seat, she was sat next to Eliana and couldn't help but be curious about what was going on with her friend.

Eliana peeked at her friend and smiled, things were good with Cristiano and she knew that he would be watching when the show aired on television; he had promised since he was interested in her work.

"Things are going well," Eliana gushed handing Behati her phone so that she could see her screen saver, it was a picture of her and Cristiano on one of their dates where he had taken her to see a show.

Behati smiled, she had been a little worried when Eliana had told her that she had started to date Cristiano but the footballer seemed to be good for the blonde and she hoped that it stayed that way.

"He's so sweet," Eliana murmured knowing that she didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to end up with someone like Cristiano; he was wonderful and she couldn't believe that he wanted to go out with her.

Behati laughed and nodded her head, she hadn't seen Eliana like this in a long time and she hoped her friend stayed this happy; she could only imagine what Eliana would be like if things broke down between her and Cristiano.

"There's a delivery of flowers here ladies," one of the staff called making a couple of the models coo, they knew that those mainly married got flowers before a show and wondered who the lucky model was.

"Eliana?" the staff member called approaching the blonde model, he smiled before setting the large bouquet of red and white roses on her make-up table; he handed her the note that had been delivered with them.

Eliana blinked surprised, she certainly hadn't been expecting anything like this; she slowly opened the note that she had been handed as a couple of models gushed about the beautiful flowers.

"Good luck with your show, I'm sure you'll look beautiful love Cristiano," Eliana read out loud making everyone coo at her, she couldn't believe that her boyfriend had done something so sweet; he was all the way in Spain and yet he had done this for her.

Behati laughed softly, she couldn't even remember the last time her own boyfriend had done something so sweet; she had no idea why Cristiano had done this when he'd only been dating Eliana for little more than two months.

"Elle... that is so sweet," Adriana gushed moving to read the note for herself while Alessandra admired the flowers, they looked extremely expensive and they couldn't believe Eliana's boyfriend had done that.

They had all been a bit worried when they had heard that Eliana was dating Cristiano, it might not have made the press yet but it would do soon since there was bound to be some petty in the room that would break the news after this.

"Come on ladies... we have five minutes to show time," the stage manager shouted moving through the room, everyone quickly hurried to get ready for the first segment Tough Love; it was going to be a good show since they had everything sorted out and everyone was nearly ready.

Eliana peeked at the flowers one more time and smiled, she couldn't believe that Cristiano had done that for her; she would have to find some way of thanking him.


Eliana fanned herself relieved, the show had been amazing and she was glad that it was over; she was looking forward to going out with her friends to celebrate such a wonderful show.

"I was thinking we go for something to eat first?" Alessandra suggested pulling on her coat, she looked around knowing that they all deserved a treat; it had been a good night and they could relax now that the show was done.

Eliana nodded her head, she would have to pop back to her apartment to drop off the flowers that Cristiano had gotten her; she had no idea what else to do with them right now.

"How about Eleven Madison Park?" Behati suggested, a lot of them would go back to their places so that they could shower and get ready, they would want to wash away all the make-up and spray that had been used on them in the past few hours.

Eliana nodded her head, her stomach grumbled at the thought of food and she hoped that it wouldn't take her long to get to the apartment that she shared with Behati; they had shared for a while now since the two were rarely in New York that long.

"That sounds great... I'll call ahead so we'll get a table," Adriana said pulling out her phone, she dialled the number for the restaurant before walking away to make the plans.

Eliana picked up her flowers so she could take them with her, she still hadn't had the chance to text Cristiano to thank him; she would do it as soon as she got a chance.

Behati helped Eliana knowing that the sooner that they got back to their apartment the better, they had a lot to do before they caught up with the others for something to eat.


Cristiano sighed leaning back on his couch, he peeked at the clock knowing that it was getting late and he had hoped that Eliana would have texted him but he accepted that she might have been busy.

Turning off the television, Cristiano got to his feet so that he could head to bed if he wanted to be rested; New York was six hours behind and Eliana was still going to be working there.

Cristiano picked up his phone and pocketed it before he started to head upstairs for bed, he yawned guessing that he was going to regret staying up until nearly midnight when he got up at six.

Half way up the stairs his mobile starts to buzz, Cristiano pulls the mobile from his pocket and smiled when he saw that it was a message from Eliana thanking him for the flowers.

Cristiano had wanted to do something nice since she had told him how nervous she got before a show; it was one of the biggest nights of the year for her and he wanted to do something that would cheer her up.

Moving up the stairs, Cristiano texted Eliana back telling her that he missed her and couldn't wait for her to come home; she'd barely been gone four days and he missed her so much.

Shaking his head, Cristiano yawned knowing that when she came back he was going to take her to dinner; he wanted to do something nice since he was sure she had worked so hard and he wouldn't get to see her much since she had so much university work to do.

His mobile buzzed again making Cristiano grin, he looked down expecting another message from Eliana only to find a message from Jorge instead; he opened up the message and frowned at it.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" the message read attached to it was an article that made Cristiano's stomach turn, he stared at the headline and he wondered how they had found out.

Cristiano had no idea who had told the papers that he was dating Eliana but there was no hiding it now.

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