Part Three - Chapter Twenty: Relaxing by the Pool

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Leaning back on his sun-lounger, Cristiano took a deep breath as he closed his eyes knowing exactly what was happening at that moment; Argentina were playing against Germany in the World Cup final. 

The news was everywhere and Cristiano couldn't avoid it, he dreaded to think what would happen if Lionel Messi won the world cup; he would never hear the end of it and he dreaded that. 

It was bad enough that he would spend the rest of his career being compared to the other man, Cristiano wished that things would be simple enough when it came to his career. 

Constantly being compared to Lionel was tiring and he hated how the media played him off against the other man, Cristiano just wanted things to be easy for him. 

It had been hard enough to watch Lionel win the Ballon d'Or for four years straight, Cristiano was hopeful that his win earlier in the year would cross over to the next one as well. 

He wanted to make his family proud of him, he wanted to show that he was just as good as Lionel; Cristiano didn't want everything that he had done to be forgotten when he was retired. 

"Papa," Elsa squealed toddling towards her father with a smile on her face, her little arms waved in the air as she walked over to him; she climbed up onto his sun lounger and sat down on his stomach. 

Cristiano smiled holding her close, he kissed the top of her head and watched her; she didn't care if he won trophies or lost matches, only that he was her father and he loved her. 

Resting his head back on the sun lounger, Cristiano stared up at the sky wondering what was going to happen when his son was born. 

The last thing that Cristiano wanted was for Elsa to feel jealous of her younger sibling when he came around; he was sure they would find some balance when he was born.

"What are you thinking about?" Eliana asked stepping out of the house, she was worried about him and she knew the fact that Lionel Messi had made it to the final with his country would annoy him. 

There was nothing that Cristiano could do about it now, if there were a couple more people like him in the Portugal National Team then they would stand a chance but there was no one that really stood out like he did. 

Shaking his head, Cristiano looked at Eliana admiring how she looked in her maternity bikini top with contrast binding and fold-over bottoms; it suited her bump well and he couldn't help but love how confident she was about her figure. 

Eliana was avoiding looking at the papers, most of them loved to comment on how big she was right now ignoring the fact that she was pregnant and tried to speculate how fast Eliana would lose the weight for the coming Victoria Secret show. 

Sighing Eliana sat down next to him, she wished that there was some way that she could ease his mind; she hated that Cristiano was struggling right now and there was nothing that she could do to help him. 

His knee was carefully wrapped up and Cristiano was finally taking the rest that he needed to recover from the injury that had plagued him for months now. 

"Papa pool," Elsa squealed clapping her hands, she loved playing in the water with him and she wanted to see her father smile again. 

Cristiano nodded his head, sitting up so that he could remove the bandage from around his knee; he didn't want it getting wet and he wasn't going to rush himself into a recovery this time. 

Watching Cristiano and Elsa enter the pool, Eliana chewed on her lip and hoped that things were going to be okay; they had a baby due soon and her mother's wedding was coming up.


Sipping on some fruit juice, Cristiano smiled sitting down next to Elsa who was taking a much needed nap in the shade; he'd had fun playing with her in the pool and it had taken his mind off the match that was playing right now. 

It had also distracted him from the presence of the film crew that had been watching him all day; Cristiano hadn't wanted them there but Jorge had been insistent. 

The filming was going well and while they had agreed that they would give the couple a break when their son was born; they did want to film them at another occasion that was coming up. 

It had been lucky that Jennifer had agreed for them to film at her wedding, they would film part of the reception to focus on Cristiano's relationship with his family. 

Eliana stepped out of the house and looked at Cristiano, she had been checking the scores on the final and it had finished; she wasn't sure if Cristiano would want to know how it had ended. 

"I don't want to know," Cristiano murmured looking to her, he didn't want to know how well his rival had done; he just wanted to focus on them for how especially with the film crew taking a break. 

Eliana nodded her head, she padded over to the sun loungers not wanting to upset him; she nibbled on her lip hoping that he would check later on, she was sure there were people who would like to hear from him right now. 

"If you're sure," Eliana mumbled sitting down, she peeked at a sleeping Elsa and smiled glad that the little girl had fallen asleep; she'd had a busy day playing with Cristiano. 

He needed to rest but had been putting it off since sitting still made him think about how he had ruined things for Portugal. 

"I had a thought on names..." Eliana said wanting to get a name nailed down for their son, he would be here soon and the time was fast approaching; she wanted to be ready before he was born.

Cristiano smiled nodding his head, they had settled on two names and he was curious about what Eliana might have in mind; they had been trying to think of middle names for their baby. 

"Caleb Hugo Silva Aveiro or Rafael Dinis Silva Aveiro," Eliana revealed softly, she had put a lot of thought into the names and she wanted to name their son after one of Cristiano's family. 

There was no way that her own father would be honoured by having his name used, especially since Eliana was determined never to speak to him again. 

It seemed only fair to name their son after the father that Cristiano had lost nearly ten years ago and the brother who had been so strong that he had been able to beat his addictions. 

Cristiano swallowed at the two names that she had chosen, they were wonderful and he had no idea which one he preferred; he was sure that they still had a little more time before they had to pick one and it would be perfect. 

Eliana offered him a smile, she knew how much this meant to him and that he'd always wanted to name at least one of their children after his father in some way. 

Katia had a son named after him and the entire family missed him every day, they all wished that he could be here to see how things had worked out and to spend time with his younger grandchildren. 

Leaning forward Cristiano kissed Eliana, he honestly wished that his father was here to see the family that he had now; he was sure that José Dinis would have adored Eliana if he had been alive to meet her. 

Cristiano had barely been twenty when his father had passed away because of alcohol problems and now nearly ten years later everything had changed for him. 

He honestly didn't know what he would have ever done if Eliana hadn't come into his life when she had.


Author's Note:

Which name do you think they will pick for their son??? x

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