Part Three - Epilogue: The Movie Premiere

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Helping Eliana from the car, Cristiano couldn't keep the smile off his face as they stepped onto the red carpet; he had never thought that the premiere to his movie would happen so quickly. 

The past year had flown by and Cristiano was relieved that things had gotten easier after getting the twins home; there was often the sleepless night in his home but the couple managed. 

Elsa, Caleb and Rafael were with their grandparents, each looking adorable in their clothes for the premiere and their parents didn't care what anyone else thought; they wanted their children here to experience this moment with them. 

Eliana smoothed out her purple deep V-neck lace split-front long evening dress, it had taken her ages to work out what she was going to wear and it had been at the last moment that she had found the dress that she was wearing now. 

"You look beautiful," Cristiano whispered holding her hand, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world and he just hoped that nothing would ever change that. 

Eliana smiled at him before they moved up the red carpet, it was incredibly busy and she felt a little out of place; she had spent most of the last year with their children with only Victoria Secret commitments pulling her away from that. 

It was amazing how easy it was for Eliana to spend time with her children and not have to worry about working, she loved the balance that she had now that the twins were born. 

Pausing so that the eager cameras could snap some pictures of them, Eliana peeked at Cristiano who wrapped an arm around her; they had coped so well with three children under the age of four. 

Elsa looked more and more like her mother every day and the two-year old was doing so well with having to share her parents now; at the start she had struggled but now she adored playing with them.

Caleb favoured Cristiano's looks more than his older sister, he looked the spitting image of his father at that age and Eliana couldn't help but smile at that; he was going to be his father's mini-me when he was older. 

Rafael was the middle ground of his older siblings, he had his father's dark brown hair and his mother's bright blue eyes; he was the middle ground when it came to their children. 

Cristiano kissed Eliana's cheek to steal her attention, he was so proud of her and he was looking forward to getting inside and being reunited with their children. 

The press might have only gotten a small look at the three of them but that was all they would be getting; Cristiano and Eliana were determined to make sure they had normal childhoods for as long as possible. 

There was very little the couple could do to stop the press from stalking them when they were away from home but they attempted to limit the impact that they had on the children. 

"Shall we?" Cristiano asked knowing that there were people that he needed to speak with, there were so many old friends here and none of them would believe how much Cristiano had changed in the past few years. 

Eliana had changed everything for him and he had become so much calmer since he had three children now; his family was everything to him and it always would be. 

Nodding her head, Eliana allowed Cristiano to lead her away from the press and she couldn't help but wonder what the film would be like; today would be the first time that they had seen what had been filmed. 

The director had seemed so pleased with himself when the couple had last seen him and they were hopeful that it meant good things for the film.


"How did the children go down?" Cristiano asked looking up at Eliana as she walked back into their bedroom, they were staying in a hotel since they didn't wish to take a late night flight back to Madrid. 

The premiere had been amazing and Cristiano still couldn't wrap his head around what people had said about him; of course Jorge had always been confident about his career but it was nice to hear others say it. 

Cristiano had even shed some tears hearing Eliana talk about him, his wife had only wonderful things to say about him and it touched his heart. 

"They're out like lights," Eliana replied relieved, she had been a little worried they would be fussy since this wasn't home but the excitement of the premiere had knocked them out. 

It had been amazing and the couple doubted they would forget it anytime soon, they'd had a wonderful year and nothing was going to take that away from them. 

Cristiano smiled getting to his feet and walking over to Eliana, he wrapped his arms eagerly around her before he ducked down to kiss her. 

She still loved beautiful in her dress and he knew how lucky he was, Eliana had made the night worth it for Cristiano and he couldn't have asked for a better night than this for them. 

"I love you," Cristiano murmured between kisses, he couldn't imagine what his life would be like without her and he was determined never to lose her or the children. 

There had been bumps on the road for them but nothing had ever come close to ruining things for them and Cristiano was grateful for that; he was already thinking about a future for them. 

No matter where his career lead him, Cristiano was sure that Eliana and the children would be there for him and that was all that he wanted; a life with his family with no interruptions.



Author's Note:

This is the end of The Footballer's Girlfriend Trilogy.

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and subscribed to this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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