Part Three - Chapter One: Happy Honeymoon

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"It's beautiful here," Eliana Silva mused brushing her fingers through her hair, she couldn't believe how peaceful it had been since they had arrived in Aruba; it made her relieved to be away from the world for a while. 

It was strange to think that it had nearly been a week since she had married Cristiano Ronaldo and she couldn't have been happier that it had happened; Eliana had even been able to ignore the fact that her father had really let her down on her big day. 

"It is," Cristiano agreed leaning back on his sun-lounger, he watched his wife knowing that he would never get tired of thinking of the fact that Eliana was officially his wife now. 

The last few days had been peaceful and Cristiano was sure that it would all change the moment that they went back home; they were just going to have to enjoy this while they had the chance. 

"Have you spoken with your mãe?" Cristiano asked pushing his sunglasses up his head, he knew that things had been a little tense after they had left Portugal; Jennifer had been rightfully furious about the stunt that William had pulled on Eliana's wedding day. 

It had also come as a bit of a surprise when William and Sara had announced the day after the wedding that they were expecting a baby; they had left Eliana a voicemail but it was all over the internet by lunch time. 

"She says that Elsa is being an angel," Eliana replied thinking of their daughter, she missed her and she couldn't wait to see her again; she wasn't used to being away from Elsa for so long. 

Cristiano smiled thinking about their little girl, he was so happy and he couldn't wait to have another baby; he was focusing on his own family not the messed up one that William was building. 

Eliana's half-sibling was going to be twenty-seven years younger than her and Cristiano couldn't believe that William thought that Eliana was going to be okay with all of this.

"That's good," Cristiano replied opting to not focus on what his father-in-law was doing, he had messed up for the last time and Eliana wasn't going to forgive him for what he had done this time. 

It was going to take time for Eliana to get her head around the fact that William had put his new family first and Cristiano had no doubts that William would have announced Sara's pregnancy at their wedding reception if he had been there. 

"I really don't want to talk about it Cris," Eliana murmured spotting the concerned look on Cristiano's face, she honestly didn't even want to think about what her father had done; he had made his decision and she wasn't going to give him another chance to hurt her. 

Eliana wanted to focus on her own marriage and raising Elsa, she doubted that she would ever take a real interest in her father's life when he barely knew a thing about hers any more. 

"I am here if you want to talk," Cristiano said sitting up, he wanted her to know that she could talk to him about anything and he really wished that he could fix this for her. 

Cristiano didn't know what William had been thinking when he had brought Sara to the wedding, they had made it clear that they didn't want her there and he had still ignored their wishes. 

"I know," Eliana reassured before she kissed Cristiano, she didn't know what she would have done without him and she was glad that he wasn't pushing her to talk about this. 

It felt so weird for her to think that she was going to have a new baby brother or sister in the new year; Eliana had never thought it would happen and now she wasn't even sure that she would want to meet this sibling when the time came.


Eliana brushed some hair from her face as she waded into the water, her teal fringe bikini top and matching bottoms keeping her cool in the hot sun and she knew that if there was any paparazzi about that she didn't care; she knew how amazing she looked right now. 

It had taken Eliana a very long time to get to this point, she was a Victoria Secret Angel for a reason but she always loved it when it came down to the swimwear shoots that they did. 

Cristiano wrapped his arms around his new wife, he drew her close knowing that he couldn't help himself; he hadn't liked the looks that some of the men on the beach had been giving Eliana and he wanted to mark his territory. 

"Olá," Eliana murmured turning to face Cristiano, she kissed him softly and brushed her fingers over his tanned shoulders; she was surprised at how dark his tan was getting in only a few days on the beach. 

Cristiano mumbled something under his breath as he kissed Eliana again, he doubted that it would be long before pictures of them appeared all over the magazines and newspapers. 

"Getting jealous," Eliana teased pulling back, she stepped out of Cristiano's arms and peeked around the beach; she guessed that people were watching them and it was a fact that she had long gotten used to. 

No matter where the couple seemed to go there were people who knew them, it was hard to find somewhere that it didn't happen and they just had to deal with that fact. 

Cristiano watched Eliana, she wasn't like the other models that he had been with in the past; she was a breath of fresh air and he knew he had struck it lucky. 

Things had been so calm for them and Cristiano was just glad that they could enjoy this time; he couldn't imagine what would happen when he had to focus on his own career and Eliana would be away doing so many shoots that he barely saw her.


"I am still coming to the show in November," Cristiano said leaning back against the bed and watching Eliana, it had been a lovely day and he was glad that they had this time to themselves for once. 

It hadn't escaped Cristiano's notice that the biggest day on Eliana's calendar was coming up, he was determined to be there when she recorded the show and he knew that he had a break in the season around that time. 

"You really don't have to," Eliana said climbing into bed, she knew how exhausted he would be and the flight to New York to watch her show wouldn't be worth it; she would be fine if he opted to watch it when it was shown on television. 

Eliana was looking forward to this year's show, they had told her that they had something special planned for her and she was excited; she couldn't wait to see all the girls again after her wedding. 

"I want to... it's not every day I get to see you work," Cristiano replied kissing Eliana, she came to his matches whenever she had the chance and that meant the world to him; how it was his turn to return the favour. 

It was something that he had never really experienced before and Cristiano wanted nothing more than to do this for his wife; he was so lucky and he knew that he wanted to make his marriage work. 

"I love you," Eliana said smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close; she couldn't imagine anyone better for her than Cristiano and he took her mind off how disappointed she was with her father. 

"I love you too," Cristiano murmured gently pushing Eliana back on the bed, he grinned down at her knowing that they would be just fine and he couldn't wait to go home and see Elsa again.

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