Part One - Chapter Fourteen: Swimsuit Photoshoot

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Eliana yawned as she sat in the sun, she was on a photoshoot in South Africa and she had been up late talking to Cristiano; she missed her boyfriend and this would be the last shoot that she did before her exams started.

"You look exhausted," Behati teased sitting down by her friend, she knew how busy Eliana was and she hoped that the blonde wasn't going to burn herself out.

Behati loved hearing all about how well things seemed to be going for Eliana, it took her mind of the fact that she barely saw Jamie anymore and she was worried about her own relationship; they had been together for six years and problems kept appearing.

"It's nothing," Eliana murmured looking over at the photographer, she was hoping that they would be done soon so that she could have a nap; between revising for her exams, work and Cristiano, she had barely had a moment to herself recently.

"Eli," Behati said shaking her head, she didn't believe her friend for a moment and she hoped that the blonde wasn't going to burn herself out; she was sure that Cristiano would understand if she turned her phone off for a couple of hours so that she could get some much needed sleep.

Eliana shook her head, they were doing a swimsuit shoot and they were nearly done; she was under contract and the last thing that she wanted was for Victoria Secret to let her go.

"I promise after this I will get some sleep," Eliana promised Behati, she doubted that the woman would let it go and she didn't blame her; she was just glad that she had down her part already.

Miranda was doing her shoots and everyone hadn't been able to resist fussing over her adorable three month old son; Flynn Bloom looked so much like his father it was unbelievable.

Behati nodded her head and looked over at the team, they had all been up since the crack of dawn for this shoot and everyone was a little tired by now.


"He's getting so big," Eliana fussed cuddling Flynn, she hadn't been able to resist holding him and looking at Miranda; she was amazed how quickly her friend had bounced back after having a baby.

Miranda nodded her head, she watched Eliana with Flynn and wondered when her friend would be having one of her own; she still couldn't believe that it had been seven months since Eliana had started dating Cristiano.

"How are things with the footballer?" Miranda asked sipping on her drink, everyone had returned to the hotel after the shoot and the models had all moved to hang around the pool since it was such a lovely evening.

Adriana perked up at the mention of Eliana's boyfriend, she had seen quite a bit of the couple in magazines lately and she was surprised at how happy they both looked.

All of Eliana's close friends knew how busy she was with school and were doing the best not to distract her when she was studying for her final exams; they were all hoping that she would do well.

"Things are good," Eliana replied blushing a little, she focused on Flynn knowing that they were doing well and she missed him a lot when she was away.

Cristiano was wonderful and he made her smile with all the small things that he did for her, he was always popping in to make sure that she remembered to have lunch or a snack during her studies.

"He kept her up late last night," Behati mused a little jealous, she hadn't heard from her boyfriend since they had arrived and she doubted he would be calling her anytime soon.

Eliana peeked at Behati, she wasn't going to take her friends upset to heart; Behati had told her about her problems and she did hope things would get better for her.

"That's so cute," Alessandra teased smiling at Eliana, she was so happy for the younger woman and she hoped that everything would work out; she knew that Cristiano had a bad reputation when it came to women and she hoped it was lies.

Eliana was happy and that was what mattered, she had never been this way before and everyone could see that being with Cristiano had been good for her; it was rare for things to go so well but they were all happy.

"Any plans for the summer?" Adriana asked knowing that it wouldn't be long now, it was April already and Eliana would have graduated by then since her exams were next month; everyone was looking forward to a break and there was a chance that they could all relax.

The girls quickly fell into conversation about their plans for the summer, most of them had children and were planning fun filled holidays while the others were planning relaxing breaks.

Miranda moved to take a fussy Flynn back from Eliana who sat down, she didn't really have any plans right now other than to spend time with her parents and Cristiano after she had graduated.

Behati sat beside Eliana, the two didn't say anything as they thought about their relationships; it was strange to think how different everything was for the two of them.

"How are you?" Eliana asked carefully, she could see that something was bothering her best friend and she wished that there was something that she could do.

Behati blinked a little surprised for a moment before wrapping an arm around Eliana and hugging her close, she didn't want to think that things could be on the out for her and Jamie.

"It'll be okay," Eliana whispered to her, she had no idea what Behati was going through but she had a feeling that her friend was struggling with what was going on.

"Who is that?" Miranda asked looking across the pool at the woman that was glaring at them, she had no idea who it was and wondered why she looked familiar; she hoped they weren't in for some trouble.

The models all looked over at the brunette that seemed to be watching their group, she didn't look happy and seemed to be focusing on the group quite a bit; it wasn't as if they were being disruptive or anything.

"I don't know," Behati replied knowing that she too had seen the woman before, she frowned wondering where she had seen her and she doubted that it was important.

Eliana stared at the woman that was now pretending that she hadn't been watching them, she didn't know what was going on but she felt on edge about it; she didn't need any trouble right now.

"I feel like I've seen her before," Miranda muttered moving to focus on Flynn, she fussed over her son for a moment as she tried to work out why she knew the woman.

Alessandra shrugged her shoulders moving to mess with her phone, she was going to have to call her husband soon so she could speak with her children back in America; she missed them and hoped they were okay.

"It can't be important," Behati murmured also moving to focus on other things as she looked at Eliana and opened her mouth to continue with her friend when suddenly Adriana clapped her hands excitedly.

Everyone looked at her wondering what had happened, she looked like a child a Christmas and they were sure that she had worked out who the woman was and how they all seemed to know her.

"I know who it is... Nereida Gallardo," Adriana squealed working out who it was, making Eliana freeze looking over at the woman; she was Cristiano's last serious girlfriend and the reason that he was so against long distance. 

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