Part Two - Chapter Sixteen: Needing the Truth

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Eliana groaned rolling over in bed, it had been a week since she had seen Cristiano and she still had no idea what to do about his little confession; she closed her blue eyes knowing that she couldn't avoid him forever. 

Eliana had kept her promise and her mother had taken Elsa around to see Cristiano, she hadn't really told anyone what was going on because she didn't want people telling her what to do and how to feel. 

It didn't seem real that her entire life seemed to be crashing down around her, she had no idea if she could trust Cristiano after this; she only had his word to go by and she didn't have time to chase down Behati. 

Eliana knew that if she was going to talk to her former friend about this then she was going to do it face to face; she didn't know what she was going to say but she would be speaking with Behati about this. 

Giving up on sleep, Eliana huffed as she climbed out of bed and pulled on some shoes; she knew what she had to do and she hoped that this would work. 

Eliana didn't care that she was dressed in just her pyjamas, she could only hope she didn't attract the attention of some paparazzi while she was on her mission to get some answers. 

Eliana ran her fingers through her hair before she snuck out of her bedroom, she checked on Elsa glad to see that her daughter was asleep before she left collected her car keys. 

Quietly Eliana left the apartment, her mother would be able to keep an eye on Elsa while she sorted this out; she needed answers and there was only one way she would get them. 

Jennifer watched her daughter leave, she sighed hoping that whatever had happened between Eliana and Cristiano would be sorted out soon; she hated to see them fall apart and she was sure that all of this was fixable.


Cristiano blinked surprised as he opened the front door to find Eliana outside, he had no idea why she had come to see him at this hour of the morning but he hoped she hadn't come to officially end things. 

Cristiano allowed Eliana into their home, the last week had been hell for him but he stood by his decision to reveal the truth to Eliana; he just hoped that she would be able to forgive him. 

Eliana took a deep breath as she crossed her arms, her heart hurt with the fact that she was having to do this; she didn't know how to feel about what had happened. 

"Why did you do it?" Eliana asked staring at Cristiano, she hated all of this and she didn't know whether to break down crying or slap him so hard for what he had done to them. 

Cristiano swallowed, he had a feeling that this would be his only chance to beg for forgiveness; he wanted Eliana to see that what had happened wasn't ever going to happen again. 

"I didn't kiss her... I swear Eliana," Cristiano whispered shaking his head, he had no idea what to do and he wanted things to get better; he wanted nothing more than to forget about everything that had happened and move on from this. 

Eliana closed her eyes, she felt anger bubble inside of her and she hated that he was still talking like this; she wanted to forgive him and she wasn't sure that she could. 

"Not that... why did you lie to me?" Eliana asked softly, this was the only thing that stopped her from forgiving him for what had happened; she feared why he hadn't told her about this. 

Cristiano stared at Eliana, he had been so frightened about losing her that he hadn't wanted to tell her about what was had happened between him and Behati. Eliana was the one that he wanted and nothing was going to change Cristiano's mind on that fact.

"Do you have feeling for her?" Eliana asked softly, she looked at Cristiano determined to get the answers that she wanted; she couldn't sleep without knowing why he had lied to her about this. 

Cristiano stared at her shocked that she would even think that, he didn't have feelings for Behati; he had just been trying to comfort her as she had been upset that was all that had happened between them. 

"No," Cristiano denied, he could see that something was happening and it scared him; he had never seen Eliana like this before and he hated that this was hurting her. 

"Did something else happen?" Eliana demanded not giving up, she wanted her answers and she wasn't sure that she would like what would happen when this was finished; she felt like breaking down but she kept on pushing knowing that she had to carry on. 

"No," Cristiano denied, he would never cheat on Eliana and he didn't want her thinking that he was capable of that; he knew that this couldn't help with what had happened with Andressa. 

Cristiano had been completely loyal to Eliana since they had gotten together, the only other girl in his life now was their newborn daughter; he had just wanted to be completely honest with her after Elsa had been born. 

"Did you want something else to happen?" Eliana asked dreading the answer, she didn't know what to think anymore and she couldn't make sense of why Cristiano would tell her about this almost a year after it had happened. 

Eliana couldn't get her head around the fact that he had hidden this from her, the last thing that she wanted was to find out that he wanted another woman all this time. 

"No of course not," Cristiano reassured shaking his head, he stepped closer to Eliana knowing that he hated himself for making her doubt him. 

Eliana sniffled as she felt everything finally get too much, she didn't understand anything now and she hated that things had fallen apart like this when everything was perfect.

"Then why wait until now to tell me?" Eliana sobbed clapping a hand over her mouth, she felt so stupid and she had no idea what to do now; she broke down making Cristiano stare at her for a moment. 

Cristiano carefully moved towards Eliana, he didn't want her to cry over him and he wanted to make this right; he wrapped his arms around Eliana who tried to push him away but he didn't stop until he was hugging her. 

"I was scared of losing you," Cristiano whispered, his voice broke a little as he held onto Eliana; he was terrified what would happen now and he knew that he deserved her anger. 

Cristiano had never meant to make Eliana worry, he had no idea why she would think that he might have feelings for Behati but he could understand her concern. 

"I am so sorry amor," Cristiano whispered holding onto Eliana, he ignored the tears that trailed down his own face instead focused completely on comforting Eliana. 

The couple were silent as they cried, they both knew that things were going to be far from okay and they would need to talk about this more but tonight they had done enough. 

"I should be getting back," Eliana whispered pulling away from Cristiano, she wiped away her tears as she offered him a weak smile; she had to get back since she didn't want to leave Elsa with her mother all night. 

Cristiano swallowed, he knew that things weren't fixed and he would have to do something to make this right; he wanted to fix things since he had messed them up badly. 

"Stay please," Cristiano whispered taking Eliana's hand, he stared at her knowing that he couldn't let her walk away this time.

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