Part Two - Chapter Nine: Needing Some Help

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Eliana took a deep breath as she made some coffee for Cristiano and Hugo, she had left the living room to give the two brothers some space to talk; she certainly hadn't been expecting Hugo to show up like he had. 

Eliana had no idea what to expect when it came to Hugo, the last time she had seen him, he had been on a downward drunken spiral and she wasn't sure what to make of him; she just hoped that Hugo wasn't going to bring more problems to them. 

Eliana rested her hand on her bump, they had enough to do with the baby on the way and she didn't want things spiralling out of control; she wanted to spend the next few months getting everything ready for the baby. 

It seemed strange to think that they were going to have a baby girl, Eliana couldn't wait and she was sure Cristiano was the same; they had so much to do if they wanted to get everything prepared. 

Eliana headed back into the living room with the two cups of coffee, she rolled her eyes as Cristiano jumped up to help her; he took the two cups from her before insisting that she sat down. 

Hugo watched his brother and his fiancée, he felt a little jealous about the fact that Cristiano had everything together while he had very nearly destroyed his entire life; he wanted to fix things and he needed somewhere to stay while he sorted things out with his wife. 

"I take it mãe doesn't know you are here," Cristiano guessed looking at his brother as he sat down next to Eliana, he had no idea why Hugo had come to him but he guessed it was for a good reason. 

Hugo looked to his brother and shook his head, he wanted nothing more than to fix things but he knew that it was going to take time; he had to make things right with his wife and daughter before anything else. 

"I can't talk to her... she'll baby me and I don't need that," Hugo replied looking down at his hands, he didn't want anyone fussing over him and treating him like a child when he was a grownup and had to fix his own mistakes.

Cristiano nodded his head understandingly, their mother could be a bit blind sometimes and she wouldn't be any help to Hugo if she babied him and tried to make thing better for him. 

Dolores was going to be overprotective of Hugo when she saw him again, she wasn't going to be easy to put up with and it was time for Hugo to stand on his own feet; something that Dolores wouldn't let happen when she saw him again. 

"I need a place to stay for a while," Hugo revealed knowing that he was still working things out with Lilian, she wasn't going to forgive him easy and their talks while he had been in rehab meant that he knew that she was going to drag this out. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he had an apartment that Hugo could use while he needed it, and he wasn't surprised that Lilian wasn't letting him into the new family home; he could only imagine how Lilian was going to make her husband pay for what he had done to her and Alicia. 

"I'll find the apartment keys," Cristiano murmured nodding at Hugo, he wanted to help his brother in any way that he could but Hugo did need to start standing on his own two feet. 

It wasn't going to be easy and Cristiano knew that Lilian wasn't going to just forgive and forget; she had been through hell when Hugo was drinking and it wasn't going to be as easy for her to let that go. 

"Obrigado," Hugo murmured looking to his brother, he didn't deserve everything that Cristiano had done for him and he knew that there was no way that he could ever repay Cristiano for what he had done. 

Cristiano shook his head, he wanted to help his brother and he knew that in time things would get better for Hugo; that was all he wanted for his older brother.

Cristiano knew that Hugo would do the same if he ever needed it, he didn't want to see Hugo suffer now that he had finally pulled his life together.


"Do you think Lilian will forgive him?" Eliana asked softly looking to Cristiano, they were getting dinner ready and they had invited Hugo to join them since it didn't seem fair to make him leave. 

Eliana had no idea how Lilian would ever forgive Hugo for what he had done, it was going to be hard and she did hope that the couple fought for their marriage instead of letting it fade away. 

Cristiano shrugged his shoulders, he had no idea what Lilian would do but he knew that it wasn't going to be easy for her; Hugo had done a lot of damage and it would take time for them to fix it. 

"They'll do what is right for them," Cristiano murmured moving forward to kiss Eliana, he wanted Hugo to be happy but he was going to have to work hard to correct all the mistakes that he had made. 

Eliana smiled into the kiss and allowed Cristiano to pull her close, she didn't know what she would ever do if things fell apart for her and Cristiano; she knew he would never hurt her and that was what mattered to her. 

"I love you," Eliana whispered to Cristiano when they pulled apart, she was so happy and things would only get better for them; that fact she was sure about. 

Cristiano smiled before kissing Eliana again, he would never do anything to ruin things with her; he wasn't going to cheat and he hoped that she would never find out about the time Behati had kissed him. 

"I love you too," Cristiano murmured back, he dreaded to think what would happen if Eliana found out but he knew that it would only serve to drive them apart; he wasn't going to lose her or their daughter over something that had meant nothing to him. 

Cristiano kissed Eliana slowly, he had no idea what was going to happen when he came face to face with Behati again but he wasn't going to let her ruin things for him.

"So what time is dinner?" Hugo asked stepping into the kitchen, he was pleased to see that Cristiano was so happy; his younger brother deserved to be happy and he knew that it was going to be hard to fix his own relationship. 

Cristiano and Eliana pulled apart making Hugo chuckle as she stepped back and blushed, he had no idea how his brother had found such a wonderful woman. 

"Dinner will be soon," Eliana replied turning her attention back to the meal that she was preparing, she was going to have to get used to having Hugo around in Madrid.

Most of Cristiano's family lived in Portugal and Eliana saw them so rarely that she knew that it was going to be odd to have someone around pretty much all the time; she guessed that it would be a good for her to be around someone from his family. 

"I'll go and set the table," Cristiano mumbled moving to get what he needed from the cupboards before heading for the dining table, he was starving and after the day that he'd had he was looking forward to relaxing with his fiancée for a while. 

Hugo watched his brother leave the room before he turned his attention to Eliana, he owed her just as much as he owed Cristiano and he knew just how lucky his younger brother was to have someone like her in his life. 

Hugo cleared his throat making Eliana look at him, he took a nervous breath wanting to say something to the woman that had done so much for his brother. 

"Obrigado for making him happy," Hugo said to her, he smiled wanting nothing more than to have what Cristiano had with Eliana and this time he wouldn't let it go.

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