Part Two - Chapter Two: Reunited in Warsaw

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Eliana took a deep breath as she slipping on her sunglasses, she made sure that she had her bag while she walked through the airport; she had flown out to Warsaw in hopes of watch Cristiano play in his quarter-finals match against Czech Republic.

Eliana was a little excited about being there since it was going to be the first real chance to watch her fiancé in an international tournament; she had watched a lot of his matches on television but this was her first chance to watch him up-close.

Eliana kept her head down trying to ignore the calls of several paparazzi that had been waiting at the airport, she wasn't the only person arriving in the country that had their interest; since the teams had progress from the group stage a lot of their families were now arriving.

It was a relief for Eliana that there was a taxi free outside, she quickly popped her suitcase inside before she ducked inside and closed the door behind her; only then did she remove her sunglasses and she was quick to give the taxi driver the address of the hotel.

Eliana leant back in the car seat and tried to ignore the flash of lights from the cameras, she was just glad that her little secret was safe for now; she hadn't even told her mother that she was pregnant wanting Cristiano to the first to know.

Eliana wasn't sure how she would break the news to Cristiano, she was still trying to work that little fact out but she did hope that she would find the perfect way to tell him.

Cristiano was sure to be thrilled with the news that Eliana was pregnant, they had talked about children before and they wanted nothing more than to start a family.

Eliana chewed on her lip resisting the urge to rest a hand on her flat stomach, she didn't want to give the game away before she'd even had a chance to tell Cristiano.


Eliana was relieved to reach her hotel and check in, she had quickly made her way up to her hotel room before settling in; she collapsed on the bed and closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

The three hour forty minute flight that Eliana had taken had been exhausting and she was glad to be able to relax, she had been kicked in the back several times and there had been a couple arguing several rows in front of her.

Eliana just wanted to relax for a while especially since she had no idea when Cristiano would be done with his training session; she pulled her phone out of her jean pocket and quickly sent a text message to Cristiano. Setting her mobile down when she was done,

Eliana sat up and slipped off her embellished ballerina flats and wondered if she had time for a nap; her stomach rubbing making her sigh and she knew that she hadn't eaten since she had left Spain that morning.

Eliana moved to pick up the hotel room-service menu, she wouldn't be having dinner until later that night and she now had to think of peanut; she wasn't going to let anything happen to her baby if she could help it.

Eliana nibbled on her lip as she flipped through the menu, she wasn't in the mood to go out to some café and be stalked by the paparazzi that were just outside.

Eliana wanted some peaceful and quiet especially since she knew how big this tournament was, the paparazzi weren't going to give up anytime soon and she didn't want her every move watched.

Eliana quickly decided what she wanted before she moved to phone down her order, she nibbled on her lip as she eyed the clock knowing that Cristiano hadn't text her back.

Eliana doubted that she would be hearing from him anytime soon, nor would she be seeing him since Paulo Bento wasn't fond of his players spending time with their families during the tournament.

Cristiano was the captain and Eliana knew that he had to be an example to his fellow countrymen; they were here to do well in the tournament and he would be kept busy with everything.

Eliana put down the floor and moved to put the television on, she would have to wait twenty minutes for her meal; the hotel was busy and she didn't mind the wait as long as her food was okay.

Heading into the bathroom to splash some water on her face, Eliana stopped when there was a knock on her door making her wonder who it could be; she knew it couldn't be room-service since she had only just ordered.

Opening up her hotel room door, Eliana stopped as she came face to face with Cristiano; she hadn't been expecting him and she was sure that Paulo wouldn't be happy with the fact that he had come to see her.

Cristiano didn't waste a moment as he stepped forward and kissed Eliana, he nudged her back stepping fully into the hotel room before he shut the door behind him.

"Olá," Cristiano whispered pulling back and running his fingers tenderly through her blonde hair, he hadn't been able to resist coming to see her and he didn't care what anyone else had to say.

Eliana smiled at Cristiano, she hadn't expected to see him so soon and she wondered how he had managed to slip away from the team without getting into trouble.

"Olá," Eliana replied before Cristiano ducked down to kiss her again, it had been a hard couple of weeks and he was happy to have a moment like this with her.

Cristiano drew Eliana close, he didn't want to be parted with her for a while and he was sure that he would get to spend time with her during the next couple of weeks.

Eliana squeaked as her knees hit the side of the bed, she hadn't even realised that he had been backing her up until now; she steadied herself by grabbing onto Cristiano's shoulders and stared up into his brown eyes.

"I missed you," Cristiano murmured resting his hands on Eliana's hips, he held her close wanting to enjoy this moment and he was glad that he was done with training for the day; he wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone else but Eliana right now.

Eliana smiled moving to run her fingers down Cristiano's chest, she could only imagine what was going through Cristiano's mind right now; she kissed her fiancé before moving away from him not wanting to get carried away.

"I have room-service coming," Eliana explained with a soft smile when Cristiano pouted, she was starving and she wasn't just feeding herself anymore but the baby as well.

Cristiano nodded his head, he understood and he didn't blame her, airplane food was bad and he didn't blame her for not having anything to eat on her flight over; he walked back over to her and wrapped her up in her arms.

"I'm glad you're here," Cristiano whispered resting his head on top of Eliana's head, he closed his eyes happy to just hold her right now; he had missed her while in was playing and he was so happy that she could be there to watch him play.

Eliana wrapped her arms around Cristiano's middle, she cuddled him wondering how on earth she was going to tell him that she was pregnant; she wanted the perfect way to do it and she wanted him to be the first to know.

"I'm happy to be here," Eliana replied closing her blue eyes, she could only hope that she found the right way to tell Cristiano that she was carrying their first child; she was about four weeks according to her doctor and she hoped that everything went well.

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