Part Two - Chapter Nineteen: Talking with Behati

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Eliana took a deep breath as she sat down and had her make-up done, she ignored the people around her as she tried to ease her mind; she was here for work and that was what was important. 

Eliana peeked about knowing that Behati was also meant to be on this shoot, she wasn't really looking forward to seeing her friend and she doubted that things would ever be the same between them. 

"Eliana," Behati called smiling spotting Eliana, she hurried over to her friend wanting to tell her the wonderful news; she and Adam were engaged and she was so happy right now. 

Behati hurried over to Eliana and pulled her into a hug, she had missed her best friend and she knew how much had changed since she had last seen Eliana; she couldn't wait to hear all about Elsa, she was sure the little girl was beautiful. 

"Is everything okay?" Behati asked when Eliana didn't hug her back, she looked at her friend sure that she would have been excited to see her; they had barely talked recently and Behati had missed Eliana. 

A couple of people around them seemed to notice that something wasn't right between the two friends, a few people watched wondering what was going on. 

"Not really no," Eliana said crossing her arms making sure her robe was closed, she didn't want to cause any trouble but she needed to get this off her chest; she couldn't pretend that everything was okay. 

Behati stared at Eliana, she had no idea what was wrong and she racked her mind trying to figure out if she had done something; she stopped when one thing came to mind and stared at Eliana realising what had happened. 

"Oh my God... he told you," Behati whispered feeling horrible, she had hoped that this would be forgotten and she couldn't believe that Cristiano had told Eliana without warning her. 

Eliana pursed her lips, she was hurt that her friend and fiancé had kept this from her and Behati had no idea what to say to make this right when she had done something so horrible.

"Eliana I am so sorry," Behati said looking around knowing that people were listening and watching, she didn't want this getting out; she would be made to look a fool and she couldn't imagine what the papers would say about her. 

Behati knew that she'd made a horrible mistake by kissing Cristiano when he had gotten engaged; she hated herself for being so weak and she hoped that this wasn't going to cost her, Eliana's friendship. 

"It meant nothing," Behati whispered stepping closer to Eliana, she didn't want to lose her friend over this; she had been stupid and she hoped that she could make this right after everything that had happened. 

Eliana stared at Behati, she could see how sorry her friend was but she didn't think she could let this go; she wasn't sure how to feel anymore and she knew this changed everything. 

"Eliana please," Behati pleaded wanting her friend to say something, she had never wanted Eliana to find out like this; she had no idea why she had kissed Cristiano but she wasn't trying to steal him from Eliana. 

The kiss was a big mistake and Behati knew that it would come back to haunt her, she had just never thought that Cristiano would be the one to tell Eliana especially so soon after the birth of their daughter. 

"I can't do this right now," Eliana said shaking her head, she'd had so much that she wanted to say and now was not the time nor the place; they both had work to do before they could sit down and talk. 

Behati took a deep breath and nodded her head, her news completely forgotten about as she walked away from Eliana; she knew that she had so much to explain after what she had done.


Eliana sat down in the café where she had come to speak with Behati, she didn't want anyone revealing what had happened to the press; it would make them all the more convinced that Andressa was telling the truth.

Behati looked at Eliana, she knew that things wouldn't be the same but she didn't want to lose her friend; she wanted to make things right after what had happened. 

"Why did you do it?" Eliana asked getting straight to the point, she didn't see the point in dragging this out when she wanted to know why Behati had kissed Cristiano. 

Behati ran her fingers through her hair, she peeked at Eliana knowing that she owed this to her friend; she wanted nothing more than to put this behind them. 

"I was in a really bad place and he was being so sweet," Behati whispered feeling horrible, Cristiano had only been nice to her and she had leant forward and kissed him. 

Behati had kept her distance until she had met Adam, he had been good to her and she knew that she had never been this happy; she just hoped that she hadn't lost Eliana's friendship over some stupid mistake. 

"I honestly don't even know why I kissed him," Behati admitted, she didn't have feelings for Cristiano and it was just a stupid moment of weakness that was now coming to bit her on the ass. 

Eliana had took her in when Jamie had broken things off, Behati had been a little jealous and she knew that she would never do anything to truly hurt Eliana. 

"Why do you keep it from me if it meant nothing?" Eliana asked softly, she watched Behati knowing that she wasn't as angry as she had been about all of this; she was just hurt that they had hidden it from her like they had done something more. 

Behati sniffled, she looked down at her hands and messed with her engagement ring; she had been a fool and she wished that she could take back what she had done.

"I was ashamed and I didn't want to hurt you," Behati said shaking her head, she had never wanted to hurt Eliana not when she had been so wonderful to her; she could never forgive herself for what she had done. 

Eliana didn't say anything as she thought about what Cristiano had told her, she knew that it hadn't meant anything to him and she was very aware of the fact that her next move had to be careful. 

"I am so sorry," Behati murmured shaking her head, she didn't know what else to say and she knew that things were going to change between her and Eliana now. 

Behati jumped a little bit when Eliana reached out and took her hands, she stared at the blonde surprised that she hadn't slapped her or said they would never be friends again. 

"I forgive you," Eliana said softly, she wasn't going to forget what had happened but she knew that hating her friend and fiancé for a mistake wasn't going to change what had happened. 

Behati looked truly sorry and upset about what had happened and Eliana really hoped that she was doing the right thing by forgiving her; she just hoped that Behati wasn't going to throw her forgiveness away. 

Behati stared at Eliana with tears in her eyes, she was truly surprised that her friend was willing to forgive her; she smiled knowing that she was never going to let Eliana down again and she would make this up to her. 

"So Adam proposed," Eliana said changing the subject to a happier one, she smiled at Behati knowing that she was so happy for her friend. 

Adam Levine had been good for Behati and Eliana knew that it was good sign that he was so support of her; she just wanted her friend to be happy. 

Behati nodded her head and slowly started to tell Eliana about how Adam had popped the question, she was glad that they would be okay.

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