Part 34.

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I stood at my locker taking out books as I feel someone behind me. I turn around to see Zach standing there eating a bag of chocolate. He holds the bag out to me as I take one. "How have you been" he asks putting another chocolate in his mouth. "Good" I say trying to fight the massive smile that was making its way onto my face.

"Something happened come on tell me" zach asked. I look down and scrunch up my nose "Adam sorta maybe kissed me" I say quietly. Zach's jaw dropped and he was left standing there staring at me mouth wide open.

"Finally took him long enough" he finally said. I roll my eyes and shut my locker. "What you in" I ask as we start to walk down the corridor. "Chem. what about you". "History". I heard Zach start to laugh so I elbow him in the stomach to make him shut up. "Sorry sorry. You spend to much time with these hockey people you are becoming violent" zach moans as he rubs his stomach.

I walk into history and take my seat. I start to take my stuff out my bag as the teacher starts the lesson, I look at the door to see the last few students walk in.

The teacher goes on to tell us we have an assignment due worth 25% of our final mark. I roll my eyes as I write down the essay question as Adam walked in. He stood at the door resting his arm on the door frame.

"Sorry I'm late. Coach wanted to talk to us" he raised his eyebrows as he made his way to his seat. As he walks around me I lift my head up to see him, "why are you so late" I whisper as the teacher continues talking. "Coach wanted to talk to us about the game not my fault" he whispers back.

He unpacks his bag and shoots his head up at the word 'assignment'. "What is she on about" he asks in a panicky voice. "We have an assignment due worth 25% of our overall mark" I mutter continue to take down key bits of information about it. "No no no. Not the now I can't. Hockey needs to be top of my priority's. I've got college scouts watching me now. I need to focus on hockey". Adam hides his face in his hands and sighs.

I look at the teacher before looking back to Adam. "Hey" I put my hand on his back as he looks up to me, "come to mine after school. We can do the assignment together so it's less stressful we can help each other, puts less pressure on you". Adam smiles and sighs again. "Thanks so much. Your too good to me".

I roll my eyes and giggle "shut up. I'm just looking out for you. Got a lot to deal with dont you" I nudge his arm then loon back down to my work. I go to write more but as soon as I make my pen touch my paper Adam rips my notepad away. "What was that for" I hit him as he sits there smiling. "Got to catch up on what I missed dont I" he smirks and copied my work.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now