Part 17.

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Me and Adam were walking home after our milkshakes. I start shivering as I rubbed my arms. "Oh your absolutely freezing here take this" Adam takes off his team USA jacket from the goodwill games and places it over my shoulders. I blush a bit holding onto the jacket "thanks" I say quietly looking down.

"So what made you get a USA jacket? Didn't really think walking about with your country branded all over your clothes was your type of thing" I say looking up at him.

"What?! Come on the goodwill games" he looks down at me as if what I said was so unbelievable. "No clue what that is but I'm guessing something to do with hockey"
"Oh look at you little Sherlock"

"I will have less of your sarcasm thank you. Now tell all about these goodwill games I want to know everything" I say spinning in circles. Adam takes me by the hand as we walk down the sidewalk telling me all about the competition they won not missing out any details.

"Wow you have been through so much haven't you" I say sighing. "How so?" He questions still holding tight onto my hand.

"Well last year you got ripped away from your team and forced to hate them. In the goodwill games you damaged your wrist and when you were 10 you were forced away from your team again and had to play with the ducks then badly hit your head".

Adam jus looked at me blankly.
"How did you know about the hawks?" He finally spoke up. "Guy told Me" I shrug

"Wow guy wow. But I may have been through a lot but something good came out of it" he states in the happiest tone ever. "What may that good thing be then banks" I smile at him

"If I never moved to the ducks then I would never have went to the goodwill games then I would never have went to Eden hall then boom I would never have met you"

A huge grin appears on my face. "Aw Adam but I don't think I impacted your life that much you would still be the exact same Adam if I wasn't here".

"That one is debatable. I have never liked a girl as much as I like you. My whole life is hockey. I knew how to ice skate before I could walk basically. I never thought I needed a girlfriend. But you showed me there is more to life than some sport. I would definitely not be here right now if it wasn't for you. I would either be doing school work or playing hockey on my driveway right now".

We stopped walking and I just stare Into his blue eyes. He really cared about me. He really likes me, more than I thought. I could suddenly feel my cheeks burn red.

The next day I lay in my bed staring at my ceiling. There was something about today that just made me in an amazing mood. I was excited to get to school I was excited to see all my friends and just see Adam again.

I finally sat up and stretched. I got out my bed and walked over to my wardrobe.
I picked out some jeans and a white hoodie since it was absolutely freezing. This is why I hate winter.

After I got dressed I brushed my my hair. I put on my white converse. I walk down the stairs and seen my dad and mum sitting at the table.

"Morning guys" I say walking over to them rubbing my eyes. "Morning love, do you want something for breakfast?" My dad asks walking over to the cooker.

"Urm yeah please if that's not to much bother" I say taking a seat down beside my mum.

"So are you settled into school alright"
My mum says putting her hand on top of mine. "Oh yeah totally. I love it there. I can't believe those words came out my mouth but I have great friends and the classes are more challenging which is good" I beam.

"I told you that school will be better for you. Also, Emily called asking if you wanted to hang out with her later in the week"

"Oh great I will call her back after school"
My dad sits my plate of pancakes down in front of me and a glass of apple juice.
I manage to eat most of my breakfast when I hear shouting from outside my house.

"What is that noise" my dad says walking over to the window. "Oh that will be time for school. Than you for my breakfast but I have to run. Bye love you both". And with that I grab my bag and run out the door.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now