Part 8.

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Me and Adam get to the lake and sit down on the bench beside it. He pulls out his skates then hands me a pair.
"How did you know what size I was?" I ask looking and realising he actually got it right.
"Lucky guess" he smirks at me then slides his skates on. I do the same and we both tie them. He stands up and reaches his hand out. I take it and he walks me to the ice.

He is standing backwards on the ice holding both my hands waiting for me to step on.
"Come on just trust me" he looks at me.
I gulp and nod my head before taking a step off the snow. I hold on to his hands really tight.
"Hey soph your fine look" he looks down at our feet. I copy his action and see that I'm still on both of my feet. I loosen my grip then smile.

He starts to skate backwards as I glide forward still holding on to him.
"There you go now your getting it now push your feet the same time I do ok"
I look down and copy him.

I was getting the hang of it until I lost my balance. I wobbled about as Adam tried to help balance me but then completely fall to the ice. I dragged Adam down with me. We both lay there for a minute then looked at each other. We both burst out laughing. When we calmed down he stood up and helped me up.

"I'm so sorry" I say slightly laughing. He looks at me in the eyes. I look up to meet his beautiful blue eyes, I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He shakes his head and looks down. "No it's fine really".

"I did say I couldn't skate" I look down putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Let's try again" he smiles and holds his hands out in front of me. I smile and place my hands back into his.

We skate for a bit longer and we're having so much fun. It was getting really late so we made our way back over to the bench.

"It's getting late we should probably start heading home" he says starting to take his skates off and putting his Normal shoes back on.

Banks walks me to my house and as I approach my front door I turn to him.
"Want to come in? We could like watch a movie or something"
"Won't your parents mind?" He asks kicking his feet. "No they are out plus they don't really care if I have friends over so you in?"
He rubs the back of his neck "sure why not". I give him a big smile before getting the spare key and unlocking the door.

I walk into my living room with Adam following. I sit down on the sofa and grabbed the TV remote and put on a random movie. Adam sits at the other end of the sofa from me but looking around the room.

"You want anything to drink?" I ask before standing up making my way to the kitchen.
Adams attention goes on to me and he politely nods.
I go and get the drinks and 2 bowls of popcorn and walk back to see him watching the movie with a big grin on his face. I can't help but giggle at him as I hand him the bowl and sit down his drink.
"Hey don't laugh at me" he gives a fake pout.
"Aw did I make Banksy sad"
He nodes giving me puppy dog eyes.
"From the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry Adam Banks" I say smiling putting my hand on my heart.
"As you should be" he smiles then throws a handful of popcorn at me.
I gasp but then do the same.

We got interrupted when my phone started ringing. I walk over and place the phone at my ear.
"Hey soph it's Charlie by any chance is Cake eater with you"
"Cake eater?"
"Yeah urm sorry Banks"
"Yeah he's here"
"Great tell him bring his gear to school we start training again" and after that he hung up.

I walk back over and sit down. "Who was that" Adam asks shoving his hand of popcorn in his mouth. "Charlie. You have to bring your gear you start training again tomorrow"
"YESSSS!" Adam shouts as he is fist pumping the air. I just raise my eyebrows at him. He soon calms down and looks embarrassed.

"So are you ever going to tell me" I ask him looking at his face. He just gives me a confused look. "Huh"
"You know about what happened yesterday day at lunch" I say putting a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"Oh right that" he looks down and plays with his fingers but then looks up to meet my eyes.

"Last year I made the varsity hockey team and well they are not the nicest people ever, they hated us. And well stuff happened stupid things the teams did back and forth. It wasn't that bad until the varsity took the ducks for dinner and we had to leave early so the ducks had to pay the $800 and something bill. They didn't believe that I wasn't part of it so we all got into a fight and when I say fight I mean physical. It was such a bad year for us all we all agreed to not bring it up because there are far to many bad memories with the whole thing and I never hated my life more than when I played varsity, it tore us all apart. I never wanted to be part of that team. To play against your own friends is one thing, but to be mean to them and basically bully them, that's one thing I will never forgive myself for doing".

I didn't say anything. I just stared at his eyes. I can see the hurt. I already knew that for like 2 days charlie and Fulton left school and all the stupid pranks but nothing about Adam.

"I'm sorry" I finally say In a small voice.
"Don't be sorry you didn't know and it's not your fault" he says moving closer to me. I rapped my arms around his neck and he soon put his hands around me.

"Thanks" he whispered.
"For" I look at him.
"I don't know but thanks"

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now