Part 12.

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I am standing outside the school in the rain getting soaked. I keep looking around and see people walking into the building.
"Come on zach" I mutter to myself playing with the zipper of my jacket.

Soon enough I see a boy running towards me. "So sorry I'm late" Zach states breathing heavily."Come on there won't be seats left" I laugh grabbing his hand dragging zach into the stadium.

We find seats and sit down. I look out onto the ice and see the ducks warming up. A few of them see me and wave it nod at me.

Soon enough the other team steps onto the ice. I stare at them, they seem so much bigger and stronger. It's like they have a whole team of portman's there's no way the ducks could win.

Oh how I was wrong. I don't know much about hockey but the ducks were killing the Cubs. We are only half way into the game and I'm sure it was clear to everyone that the ducks would be the clear winners.

The team were doing amazing. This is my first hockey game and I must say I'm impressed. I watch as Adam steals the puck for the other team and races down to the net. The buzzer goes off. He scored. I look at him and he looks back up to me. He lifts his helmet up and gives me a smirk. I just smile and roll my eyes at him as everyone else around me cheers.

The rest of the game went amazing, well except the times were Fulton and Portman got out in the box multiple time but it was expected.

It was going so well, until Charlie passed the puck to Adam. Adam dodged the other players on the other team skating down to the goal.

All the stadium started to get ready to celebrate thinking Adam was going to make a goal. However just before he shots one of the cubs skates up behind him and shoved him into the boards. The Cub stole the puck then skated away. Adam was left there on the floor. Not moving.

Everyone in the stands were booing or shouting stuff to the ref but I felt my heart stop. I flew up out my seat and stood there. Watching everything on the ice. Some of the ducks went up at Adam trying to help him. The other half speeding towards the Cubs very pissed off.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see zach standing beside me. "Do you think he is ok?" I look at zach. He could tell I was full with worry. "Please tell me hes ok zach he has to be"

"Trust me hes fine. Adam is a fighter nothing can stop him from playing" Zach tried to comfort me but his words didn't help much.

Adam got took off the ice and wasn't seen the rest of the game. And as expected, the ducks won.

I wasn't as happy as I though I would be. Don't get me wrong super happy they won and they did amazing out there but all I could think about was Adam.

"Hey you coming?" Zach asks as he lightly hits my arm. We were standing at the doors of the stadium. I snap out my thoughts and look at him. "No it's ok I think imma wait for the team to congratulate them" I smile weakly at him. "Ok then" he pulls me into a hug then starts to walk away.

I stand at the doors with my arms tapped around my stomach trying to keep warm.

"HEY SOPHIA" I spin my head around and see very sweaty smiling people running towards me.

They all drop their sticks and hockey bags and they all surround me with a huge group hug.

"Well done guys you did amazing"

"Why thank you cooper" Julie says giving me a huge grin. "So how was your first ever hockey game experience" averman Asks pushing up his glasses.

"So much better than I though but urm is Adam ok?" Everyone just looks at eachother and I knew Adam wasn't fine.

"Uh soph he had a pretty bad check into the boards but he should be ok tomorrow." Luis puts his arm around me to comfort me.

"Banksy is strong he has had way worse injuries trust me don't worry about him"

I stayed up most the night worried. What if he hit his head really bad. Why wasn't he with the others.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now