Part 39.

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"Pass me the purple pen" I whisper to Ken as we are hunched over a sheet of paper placed in the middle of us. We were meant to be doing a booklet on the human anatomy but we thought drawing would be more beneficial. "Wait give him a little bowtie he will look so cute" he giggles. We were drawing little animals wearing fancy clothes and we are currently drawing a little penguin.

"We need to call him penguiné" Ken says as he writes it under the drawn of the penguin. "What why" I laugh as I finish colouring it in. "It's like the pasta but mixed with a penguin". "You are so weird Ken but I love it".

"Are you and Adam a thing yet because I really need the 5 bucks". I shoot my head up looking at him. "You placed bets on when we would date" he just nods his head smiling proudly at me. "I said it would be this week" I didn't know what to say I just ended up looking at him with my mouth half open.

"We all know you are both gonna get together. Just a matter of time" Ken shrugs his shoulders then immediately bends back over the paper drawing a new animal. "You are all unbelievable" I shake my head slightly smiling.

We continue to fill the sheet up with useless little drawings until we were broke out our little fantasy world by the bell ringing. We pack up our bags and I put the sheet of pager neatly in one of my folders to keep it safe. "What you in next" I turn to to Ken as we walk out the class "geography" he lets out a huge sigh tipping his head back. "Last class of the day" I smile nudging his arm which just causes him to groan again.

"Why hello Cooper" a very happy Charlie spoke as he smiles at me as I take my seat. "Why are you so happy?" I say looking at him with the corner of my eyes. "Oh no reason". I ignore his weird actions and pull out adams goodwill hoodie from my bag. "Adams hoodie I see" Charlie smirks as he opens his textbook. "It's the middle of winter ok it's cold leave me alone" I huff putting the hoodie on over my top.

"Ok anyway have you done the work for today?" Charlie asks scrunching up his nose. "Omg charlie did you really forget again" I look at him as he just slowly nods. "Well if she asks you questions you can copy off me" I sigh smiling.

"And that's why your my best friend. And because you are my best friend that's why you are coming out with me and Linda after school" Charlie spoke with pure excitement. "Excuse me" I turn to look at him with a blank explanation. "Consider it like a double date. Me and Linda. You and Adam" he smiles nodding.

"It can't be a double date if half of the people don't date" I sigh closing my eyes and clasping my hands together. "I want you to keep that thought" he smirks before looking back to his book and starts writing the most random stuff.

"I do worry about you sometimes" I mutter before opening up my binder and pulling out the sheets of paper needed.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now