Part 2.

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Me and Charlie walked out of class. Some of his other team mates came up to him in the corridor. They were all talking and i felt a bit left out but why shouldn't I, I don't exactly fit in with them all.

"Oh, guys this is Sophia Cooper shes new here. Sophia this is Connie, Russ, Fulton and Goldberg". " hey guys" I say shyly. Russ walks up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Hey Cooper don't worry you can hang with us we are like the cool kids of the school". He smirks putting his other hand out in front of him.

"Man shut up". Fulton punches his arm. I giggle and look down as Connie walks up to me.
"It's so good to have any other girl here me you and Julie need a girls day". I looked her and smile and nod not really knowing who Julie was.

We all walk to the lunch hall and sit down with the other ducks. I got introduced to them all and I was getting along with them well. Luis and charlie were telling me all about the troubles they went through last year. All the pranks they did back and forth with the varsity team. We were interrupted when a tall blonde boy walked up to our table. Everyone else was saying hi to him and asking him why he was late to lunch but I couldn't help but stare at him. Blue eyes. Blonde hair. Cute little bow tie.

I snapped out my stare when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Charlie.
"Banks meet Sophia Cooper. Sophia meet Adam Banks". "Hey nice you meet you Sophia".
"Yeah you too" I say trying hard to so show any signs that he was remotely cute.

I didn't really talk much during lunch I just listened in to everyone's conversations. There was so many happing at once it was hard to concentrate on just one.

"So Banks where were you?"
"miss Clark made me stay behind to talk to me on my science report".
"Man if I get one more C coach is gonna bench me".
"Why not have Adam help you then we all know he's the smartest here. Mr I get straight A's without even trying"
They all laughed at that comment as Adam just shock his head.

"Yo Cooper". I turn my head to see who was calling my name. "You want anything to eat". I see luis standing behind me with a few others by his side. "Oh I don't have any money with me-" I respond but was cut off. "Don't worry I got chu" he playfully smirks at me and I nod.

"He so likes you" Connie says as Luis leaves. "What?". I look around to see the rest of the table nod in agreement. "He hardly knows me". "Doesn't matter it's Mendoza he doesn't have to know you" Goldberg laughs. I stay silent as the rest of the table laugh alone.

"Hey so Cooper let's see your timetable then". Averman said trying to make the whole thing less awkward. I reach in my bag and grab my timetable and sat it on the table. All the table huddle around it reading it. "Yes! we science together you can sit at my table" Ken says.
"We already knew we had English" Charlie stays putting his arm around me.
"Hey look we have history together" a smiling Adam says as he points to history. I smile at him. " history is my favourite subject"
"Mine too"
We both smile at eachother and the rest of the team look at my timetable.

After lunch I had science. I walked to class with Ken. We sat down as the teacher handed me some booklets. "We have a class test tomorrow but you can use that time to study and whenever you feel up to it let me know and you can sit it" I look through the booklet quickly and look at her. " it's ok miss I can sit it tomorrow I already know all this". 

"Oh Sophia are you sure I wouldn't want that much pressure on you" "No miss I can do it I'm sure". She nodded and walked to the board to start the class.

"You already know all this?" Ken questions me. "Oh yeah I learnt this back at my old school. I was always a head of everyone else. That's kinda why I'm here, I would learn more here than I would back at my old school" I lower my head. At my old school I was the geek. Not that there was anything wrong with it I mean I was still quite popular but there was times where people relied on me to pass classes.

Me and ken started taking notes from the board and got to know each other a bit more. Ken was so sweet and cute he's just so small how could you not like him. He told me how he got pushed about last year but Portman and Fulton helped him gain more confidence and now he is starting to stand up for himself.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now