Part 1.

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This story is based after the D3 movie. I wanted to have a bit more freedom with it but I hope you enjoy. I also started this book ages ago but never done anything with and I got thinking I might as well finish it.
I know it's bad but I want to finish it instead of deleting it.

Hi. I'm Sophia. Sophia Cooper. I am just your basic teen. I live in Edina Minnesota. So to answer your question. Yes, i have some money and went to the fancy posh high school and have all the winning sport teams out the other districts.

I just moved school from my normal public school to Eden Hall. A huge boarding school. Completely different from my old school. I didn't really want to go to Eden Hall, I loved my old school I had good friends and I done really well in all my classes. Well that's the reason I'm here. I get perfect marks on all my tests pretty much, my head of my school thought it would be best for my learning to move to Eden Hall.

I woke up on a Monday morning. My first day at the fancy Eden Hall. I huffed out of bed and went for a shower. I stepped into the hot water and started washing my hair. All the thoughts you would get on your first day at school rushed into my head like what if no one here would like me. What if I'm not posh enough for them. Even though I'm smart enough I might not even fit in. but I tried to not let all the thoughts get to me so much.

I step out the shower and rap my towel around my body and walk back into my room. I lay out a pair of black jeans and a plain white top. I dry myself and get dressed. I walk over to my vanity to sort my hair out. I blow dry it and straighten it to make it look perfect. I sigh and look at my face in the small mirror.

I have never been one to wear makeup much. Only if i was going out somewhere when I had to look presentable, if I was going or doing something important or if I was really in the mood to do it. I look down at my spread of make up and thought your first day at a posh school where people will probably judge you is an important day.

I start to apply my make up taking great care of every little stroke and dab. I wasn't going to school looking like a complete clown.

I stand in front of my mirror tilting my head. I look at myself and before my overthinking starts, I walk away just accepting the fact I look somewhat decent.

After I was ready i throw on my pair of white converse and leave my room to head down the stairs.

I take a seat opposite my mum as my dad sits my plate of pancakes in front of me with a glass of apple juice. I smile and thank him as my mum sits her newspaper down and looks up at me.

" so sweetie you ready for your first day?"

" well ready yes, scared more that you can imagine" I say taking a mouthful of my pancake.

"Don't worry Sophia this school is perfect for you and it will help you a lot more than Edina High could" she gives me a warming smile to try and calm me down.

"I know, but it's to posh for me I won't fit in. at least at public school I was accepted, here if I do one thing wrong with will judge me". I sigh and look down.
"Trust me you will be fine now eat up and your dad will drive you to school".

I grab my backpack and put on my jacket on as I walk out the house saying goodbye to my mum and get into my dads car. He drove me to school as I sat playing with me fingers getting more and more nervous.

My dad parked the car and we said our goodbyes and good lucks. He drove away as I took a deep breath trying to gain confidence and started walking. All the other kids were going into school so I just followed them. I knew I had to go to the office but I had to find the office first.

It wasn't that hard finding the office it was at the entrance of the school. I walk up to the member of staff.
"Hi I'm Sophia Cooper. I'm here on my first day".
The lady smiled and started looking through a file. She took out a ton of sheets of paper and handed them to me. I was so overwhelmed with what she was telling me what each of them are for. All I know is most of them my parents have to sign. The last one she handed me was my timetable. I was at the office for a long time, just going over all the rules and safety procedures.

She walked me to my class and spoke to my teacher. As much as I gathered I was in English. I was left standing at the front of the classroom with tons of eyes on me. Soon the lady left and the teacher walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Class we have a new student. This is Sophia Cooper. I want you all to treat her no different and help her catch up".
I smile and look down.
The teacher bends down so he is level with me.
" I am Mr Morrison and if you need any help understanding the material then I am always here".
He looked at the class then looked back at me.
"There's a seat free beside Charlie at the back of the class".

I walked up to the back of the class and sat down. I look beside me to see who I was guessing Charlie. I started to get out a pen and a notebook.
"Hey I'm Charlie" he turns in his body to face me as he placed one elbow on his seat and another on the desk and smile at me.
"Sophia" i politely smile back then turn my attention back to my desk.
He slides a ring binder open at notes.
" here's some of the notes you missed, you can take them to catch up if you want".
"Yeah thanks". I smile at him the take some of the pieces of paper.

Soon after class it was lunch. Me and Charlie were packing our bags as he looks up at me.
" hey so since you don't really know many other people here do you want to hang with me and my team for lunch?"
" yeah I would really appreciate it thanks but urm what team are you on?"
"Oh I'm on the hockey team. The Eden Hall Ducks". He seemed so proud to say he was part of this team, like he wore the label with honour.

sorry this is so bad buttttttttt yeah ok
Love u all <3

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