Part 22.

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The time I was dredging. Lunch. I knew I would mostly be fine. As long as I didn't talk, see, look or even hear Adam. Well this is going to be hard.

I hold my tray tight in both hands and I take deep long breaths as I walk towards the table. I see Luis and a spare seat next to him. I sigh a bit in relief.

The closer I get the more I realise I didn't see the blonde haired boy. But that made me think that he was off with his cheerleader. I shallowed the lump in my throat as I placed my tray on the table and sat down between Luis and Portman.

"Hey man at least she is coming to one of your games" Russ says point to Luis with his muffin before taking a bite of it.

"Yeah she did ask your number that's a good sign" Goldberg mumbles with a mouth full of food which none of us are surprised at.

"Cooper tell them how bad it was" Luis says as he hides his head in his hands.

I let out a small chuckle before patting the boy on the back. "It wasn't really that bad. It was more how would you put it. Awkward to watch"

The whole table starts laughing and Luis lets out a groan and lets his head hit the table. "Mendoza awkward. Would've never put them together" averman says after catching his breath.

"Yeah it went along the lines of oh yeah urm sorry urm oh hmm huh uhhh" I grin as the table could not take the fact that Luis Mendoza got all flustered over a girl.

"Ok ok we get now can we stop" Luis begs. "What's so funny" we hear a voice say which makes us all immediately stop laughing. However it makes my heart shatter.

"Oh uh just Mendoza's love life" Charlie bites the inside of his cheek. The table stays quite as we all watch Adam. He look around the table and gave every single one of us a confused face.

"Right what have I done" he says throwing his arms up in the arm in defence. I see Portman look at Charlie who gave a slight shake of the head as if no not now.

The table goes back to normal. Me and Luis were talking about Mia. It was hard to concentrate when Adam was right across the table for me.

My heart didn't even exist at this point. It had been so utterly broke that I just didn't know what to do. And it seemed as thought it absorbed all my energy too.

"Hey you ok?" I look at Luis how has his hand on my back leaning in close to me so Adam can't hear us. I slowly nod at him. "I know it must hurt but don't show him you are in pain ok. He will suspect. And if he doesn't suspect you get to hurt him just as much as he hurt you"

I smile at his comment. I would never want to break Adam. But he did hurt me. I so many ways imaginable. So just being able to confront him about it and being able to stand up for my self for it is good enough for me.

I open up my candy bar and before I could even get a bite Luis swoops in and takes the first bite.

"Hey you jerk" I laugh and lightly punch him."what was that for"

"What it looked nice" he mumbled with a mouth full of chocolate. We both burst out laughing. I quickly look up at Adam who is just staring at me and Mendoza. I look down then look back at Luis I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to Luis as he whispers in my ear. "That's the cheerleader". Those words broke me more if that was even possible. She was beautiful. Long wavy brown hair. Perfect tanned legs. A winning smile. Flawless skin. Blue eyes. Just the definition of perfect.

"Hey Adam" she stands behind him and raps her arms around his neck. Adam just looks at me. I just him a blank look. I don't have any emotions anymore. He tried to get her arms off him.

"Are you not going to introduce me to your team" she give us all the fakest smile ever. Well it was expect the cheerleaders at Eden hall get lesson on how to be fake.

"Oh urm guys this is Abbi. Abbi these are the Ducks and that's- that's Sophia." Adam nodes his head in my direction and looks down.

"Oh so your Sophia. The new girl. I have hear so much about you. Why is it so cold over in this side of the hall" she lets out a fake laugh.

All the table look at me as Luis puts his arm around me. That's when I remember I have Adams jacket. I was going to give it back to him but now would be perfect. I lift my bag up from off the floor and unzip it. I grab the jacket and throw at her.

"Here this will do you more good than me then" I say standing up and Walk out the hall. I didn't care who watched I didn't care who followed. All I wanted at this point was my old life back. The one where I didn't have boy trouble. I only have limited friends. I want my old school.

I just kept walking as my eyes get more and more blurry with tears.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now