A Woman's Worth In Today's Generation.

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Is a woman only cherished for the
pink matter between her thighs?
Why do we treat women as if
there is no matter in their minds?
I mean they came from mans matter yet
we diminish them to be smaller than atoms
I wonder if this was the way Eve was seen by Adam.
We call women dogs
not in the sense of man's best friend but
simply as the dog that will have a quick end
Never do we befriend
We treat them like entertainment
rather than human beings
almost as if we've forgotten what
being human means
To our women we are so mean we
expect them to sex, cook, clean
while giving up their worth that's
not the role of a queen
No a queen supports dreams and balances energies
but when we disrespect our women we cut off this synergy
I beg of my women to learn of their worth to make a man keep her like a flower rather than a patch of dirt
To know that her ground is soil and from her gardens will grow
That in this garden only seeds of
love our sown
not selfish acts of lust that'll weed
and will feed on her being till she shrivels to the size of a seed
that she is the tree of life and that
God is her tree of knowledge
and if he can't accept that then he must be abolished
My women I ask of you to learn
and know your worth that if he
can't see the queen in you then
please give him the curve
For you deserve a King and you'll settle for nothing less
I pray that you will read this poem and be blessed.
My women know your worth.

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