The average woman i meet.

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She doesn't like talking about her problems
She doesn't like when people tell her how to solve em
She wants a man like her father to step up to the plate
She's longing for the love she never had & claims to hate
She doesn't believe in God how could he let her feel this way
Her conscious gray to every colorful thing I say
She doesn't believe in faith
She doesn't know how to let go
She doesn't know how to forgive
She's content in the way she lives
Shes so empty inside &  it's easy to get inside her
Between her thighs she doesn't trust me to be beside her
She just likes her coochie's contractions to every stroke of passion that she's been longing to have
her heart envying the attention hate harbors within the tension now at the sight of me she has such apprehension
She grows distant & goes missing
She hates love yet longs for it like her father
She's the spitting image of her mother tryna love a man like her father
There when she's giving but missing when it's time to give
Not knowing how to love when a man really gives
Bitter at one man she's bitter at every after
I honestly wanna love her but to her it doesn't matter
If it's not about money she doesn't wanna chatter
She settles for an existence of getting but not giving
trying but not committing hearing but not listening
A woman believing that the entire world is the same
That looking for change would make her insane so she stays the same
Forever embracing her Pain
Why seek the sun in the rain
I peek through the clouds in such pity.

For The Women Of My Generation.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα