Trust Issues of a Beautiful Girl.

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She's a diamond in the rough
A bad past keeps her face tough
Every good intention to her is a bad bluff.
She can see the lust in his eyes
For the oasis of honey that drips between her thighs
For this his words & actions she always feels as lies
Every man that passes by she feels is a lie passed Saying he wants to know her but knows he's only looking at her ass
She hates her body so much
She fears she'll never know love just a man's lustful touch.
She puts on every outfit to avoid a man's eyes it's such an annoyance.
She longs for the deeper perception of her beauty
A clairvoyance to see the true worth of her being
But none she sees nor trusts to posses it so she's steadily fleeing from every man that claims he wants to know her.
This is the life of a beautiful woman
Longing for the touch of someone who won't run when the sex he's fantasying about wont come from loveless persuasion
Love for her body without love for her existence not equating to what she wants to be touched for.
She wants to touch to lean on a shoulder
For someone to hold her to be in her heart without leaving ulcers
She wants never ending feelings that he won't disconnect off of something as trivial as loveless sex. -Vonsensei

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