African Girl

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I woke up in déjà vu as my head turned eyes locked on her
Visions of Africa in her essence
the very nature in her skin sweet like the replication of chocolate,
The dreams of Godiva molded from the Nile river & envied by the Big Dipper
I beheld in the first 3 seconds of realizing that what lay before me was not a woman
But a goddess a queen of the forgotten slaves
Who refused to have her image appropriated or enslaved
Her freedom was the love for the beautiful color of her skin that couldn't be replicated by spray tans or make up
No she had the color of the first human beings complexion & she flexed it like it had the price of all the worlds diamonds & gold
She was a sister fresh out the mother lands womb.
The first born daughter of Oshun.
She embodied the very image of love.

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