Single girl

215 15 3

She's sick of men
The very thought of em makes her nauseous
She's never met a being so obnoxious
So ignorant & out of tune with his conscious
See she's smart like she has a degree
But all she's sees is men who don't have the intelligence to even get a GED
They just wanna get physical like P.E
They wanna treat her pussy like a drive thru
Cheap food pay little he might even bring his homies when he rides thru
But her worth isn't Cheap sex
So she keeps her worth on 5 star
Unable to afford her worth they call her bougie
They Think she wants a baller
They think she wants a model
but really she's sick of men spitting game & not spitting knowledge to her conscious
Mental stimulation
From another being other than her own creation.
She wants to be beautiful other than when she's naked
& when she's naked to be loved like art
Her beauty in the eyes of the beholder timeless,
Heartfelt priceless
Infinity crafted into the form of a diamond
Reflecting back in her eyes through a warm loving gaze
That for better or for worse forever he shall stay
To not go through the feeling of thinking she's found something real just to be deceived
Doing everything right just so that he can slide thru to his objective
A cold hard unloving erection followed by his rejection
Doing her dirty after knowing every thing she's been through
She deserves better
& she knows it
She just wants a man that knows it too.

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