Broken Woman Be Strong

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"I'm confused on what this feeling called love is and I never really felt it growing up.
It feels good just for anyone to want me."
She said "I let him abuse me because it doesn't hurt more than the pain I faced in my own home when no one could answer why my father wouldn't come home or why my mother made me feel like I had to grow up on my own yet despite that they always said they loved me just like he does. "
"That when a man raped me who at the same time told me he loved me I was told that it was life and though I bled like a cut artery my family let that bleeding be all alright
So I perceived that love hurts and no matter what you endure because that's how love goes right ?
Even when it feels like someone is breaking your toes while stroking your head thats how love goes right?
All love hurts right?
I would be a horrible person if I didn't love my own family right?
I wouldn't have anyone who loved me if I didn't love him right?"
I never cried so hard in my life than when I heard this woman's story of physical & mental abuse
& I am so sorry that I couldn't be there in your life
I am so sorry that no ever stood and told you that it wasn't right.
Cupid's arrow isn't suppose to feel like a bullet going through your temple
Love is suppose to be gentle & kind not physically abusive to your mental
Love does hurt, yes, but love is never meant to abuse it's principle & purposely stab you in the chest with warped promises of happiness & feelings of obligation to everything that love doesn't stand
It's not suppose to hold you and then sip a bottle of whiskey
And break the bottle over your head and say "I Do this because I love you"
No it's not suppose to stroke your head lovingly while chocking you with the cold hand of Satan
No love isn't an excuse to abuse people for selfish gain
& beautiful woman no one has the right to put their hands on you.
To selfishly say it's alright while you whole heartedly suffer abuse
& I am so sorry that we as men we as a people we as the human race have allowed you to think that rape & domestic violence is alright.
I am so sorry we haven't been there....
I am so sorry.
Broken woman you're beautiful whom in God is well pleased to have created
You're a gift from the heavens from which the entire human race has been created
You should be adorned with loving arms that we as men should hold like mothers embracing their children
We should be the the hope of your mothers eye to love her baby girl and the product of our mothers who raised us to be kings
We should wash your feet and address you as queens
Not the punching bag for our frustrations
Or the hand that we use for our sexual frustrations
You deserve to be treated like how God intend you to be.
The missing peace to a mans rib cage that God crafted into a soul mate that when harm comes it to the mans soul breaks
The fate of all men
The opium to our existence
You should be treated like God's Daughter
The very embodiment of Love.
My women know your worth.

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