Why women cant get or keep a good man.

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Women fail to realize that it's the small things that matter to a man, it's not about pussy, looks, or Bae goals none of that crap. Text a man good morning, send him messages of positive reinforcement, take him out, openly express how much he means to you, don't entertain the disrespectful advancements of other dudes on ANY LEVEL, It's so ironic how women will claim they want a man, but give things only boys would be content with. Chilling & fucking is cool, but you gotta realize that any woman in the world can give him that. What else is keeping him committed? If you're constantly fussing at your man for the pettiest & smallest things while other women positively lift him up why do you think he's tempted to cheat on you?
Treat a MAN with the expectations you have for "fuck boys" or "niggas" & he will get sick of you
REAL QUICK. He knows his worth is above such derogatory perception.
Any time another woman can give your man something that you're not & it's not even physical, just mentally & spiritual, he starts to doubt you, he begins to not cherish the relationship because he wonders if it's holding him back from better things, when you're suppose to be the best! that's why he's with you! : you wanna know why you can't keep a man, it's because you know how to give what a nigga wants, but you know nothing about what a man wants. So many good men are single because so many women don't know how to properly treat one, so they settle for trying to fix a nigga. niggas don't know how to appreciate a good woman, so when she gets her heart broken after all she's given she becomes lost & often bitter. Falling in love with something wrong blinds you to what is right, love always overpowers reason & you end up settling & believing in the wrong things. A MAN will appreciate what a woman gives but a "nigga" will not, & a lot of women can't tell the difference because they've never known a MAN. I pity the women who's first love for someone of the male species ends up being just like how their fathers treated their mothers. & a lot of women have so much attitude & pride that they feel they need to change nothing about themselves, same ones become single mothers. A MAN doesn't have an excuse to not raise his child, but he doesn't have to deal with a negative & unsupportive woman as a spouse.
My women if you want a good man you need to start looking at the woman in the mirror, be a reflection of who you want to love you, & you will find your man without ever having to look.
My women know your worth.

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