Baby can I keep it real?

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Baby you're beautiful, talking like you have a degree in conversation
Girl you make me melt inside
& when you're mutually interested
staring with those bed room eyes
Mmmmm sweet woman you just don't know
You're a butterfly cocooning my caterpillar mind into nothing but sweet images about you
You're beautiful, a delicate rose with a thorn sided perception
Most think there's a certain finessing when approaching your direction
So you often send men stepping
But you can't judge me girl
See you've got my heart beating
But you haven't earned this erection
Just like pussy this dick ain't free
Invest time in me & I promise it'll be worth the wait.
You'll find the time priceless that it took to take to make, bake, & eat your cake.
That's called love & with it everything is sweeter.
I like to take my time and make sure that the after taste isn't bitter.
I want to know that I know you're this beautiful perception of everything my pride holds back
I would hate to fall and land on my back
I'm not interested in a relationship throw back Thursday
I want a transformation Tuesday
like I stepped in the church on Sunday & you were the blessing that the pastor was preaching who's prayers are finally reaching teaching me about true love.
I want to know the bonds of swans with the freedom of morning doves.
Make the stars look down and envy the tone of our melanin glistening brighter than all of the night sky.
I want to know what it really means to love.
No guarantees but Im really digging those possibilities in you
So shorty tell me what you wanna do?

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