Behind The Garden Wall.

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You're not this cold unloving person that you make yourself out to be.
You're a passionate lover. I can see that In the past that love was betrayed. You could not understand how you weren't good enough to be loved back after you gave everything you had to offer, so in madness you fell into despair.
You lost your hope in love, & began to fear that no one could possibly love you as much as you loved them, that you would forever know hurt trying to love somebody else.
So you placed your heart deep in your chest and built walls made of fear and mistrust, believing that no man could get pass them to ever hurt you again, loving only yourself & calling that your "happiness" as you smile with tears holding back in your eyes.
Queens & Kings do not allow fear & hurt to prevent yourself from receiving the love you deserve from those who would endure getting past those walls just to love you. I understand why you built your walls & I don't blame you, but fear will keep you so scared and closed minded that you miss out on the very thing you long for most.  Do not give the person who hurt you that much power over you.
Love exists, & I know this because you & I no matter how hard we try still hope for it even as we profess to not believe in it. Stop running from love, & start running from the past that caused you to fear it. Overcome your fears by realizing that love exists because it exists in your heart & that you're not alone in this world.
Learn to take chances with those who deserve it, those who love you even in your madness of not loving them back in the way they deserve. Those who will confront your seemingly immovable walls of fear with an unstoppable force of love that you want to be joy. Do not hinder your blessing in vain out of fear like the one who hurt you. I hope you'll understand this message and be blessed.
My reader believe in love. -vonsensei

For The Women Of My Generation.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ