Can't Blame You

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I can't get mad when you call yourself bad bitch
Cus we didn't treat you like queens when you were young
We mentally abused you before we ever touched you
And when we touched you we lusted but never loved you
We taught you to act a certain way to be appealing
We taught you how to love and nurture those feelings
Then hypocritically rejected everything that we taught you to be
We claim to want something that we've never represented
We want you to be someone we never took the time to show you
How can we expect queens from the women we treated as slaves?
We ask you to be what we never raised
I know you hate us because we lied for so long
We taught you to be everything that was wrong
So that's why I can't blame you for calling yourself bad bitch
For being about your money, cold, & heartless
When we as men were the one who force fed you and created
The very thing we were paid to love but realistically hated
And I can't blame you for resenting the word queen
When queens to you are the image of married women that we use to downplay your worth
Who make you feel like you aren't pretty enough
That make you feel like your features are tough
That nothing you do is ever enough
That laugh at your naturally beautiful hair
Who take shots for your ass that is naturally there
For Injecting their lips that they mocked you about
For being beautiful yet in fashion magazines not talked about
We gave you every reason to doubt
We never taught you how to be the women we dream about
And that's why I don't get mad when you call yourself bad bitch
I simply pity that we never called you queen.

For The Women Of My Generation.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora