Barbie dolls

481 38 4

Botox face and she has nice hair
Silicone filled breasts makes everybody stare
Fake don't care
Ass on plastic it looks fantastic yah they'll pass her in VIP
Worship her like she's a G.O.D
This woman never had a G.E.D
Never gave a care about a bachelors degree
She already has a masters in TEASE
Women for a body they won't ever see
Big butt slim waist size d titties just to see men & women get weak when she please
But she's cold inside
She's like a blizzard inside
Despite their thickness
It's so cold in her thighs
There's no emotion in her eyes
She just flaunts to whoever wants her
She's so self conscious
She gets surgery to hide her self conscious
And we ignorantly worship
Barbie dolls and bad bitches
Who only find worth in
Ken dolls and rich living
Devoid of the worth of soul. 

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