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IF THERE WAS ONE THING THAT COULD DESCRIBE HARRY POTTER IN THAT MOMENT, IT WOULD HAPPY. An adjective he believed would never once be tied to him. But times were changing. He smiled more often. He learned how to cook. He made plans for the future. Actual plans.

He grinned as he heard the toddler's voice coming from the sitting room of his flat, as he moved around the kitchen to get a better glance of the scene happening before him: Gwen Organa was sitting on the floor of his flat in London, as Teddy Lupin played next to her.

"And then what happened next?" Gwen asked the 3-year old toddler, as she held a dragon stuffed animal.

"T-then, the dragon flew and flew into the-the um..." Teddy paused as he had his thinking face on.

Gwen smiled as she was patient with him, waiting for his mind to develop the next part of the story he was telling.

"THEN! THE DRAGON TURNED INTO A BUNNY AND HOPPED INTO THE FOREST!" Teddy exclaimed with excitement, as he took out his stuffed bunny and began to run around Gwen.

"Help me Teddy!" Gwen pleaded jokingly, as she pretended to be terrified of the bunny. "A bunny is attacking me."

"Ahh!" Teddy roared, as he threw the bunny in the air and grabbed Gwen's hand, as they both ran around the flat as the imaginary bunny pursued them.

Harry truly could not stop beaming, as Gwen swished her wand and had the bunny truly following them as they both screamed and laughed as they were being terrorized by the stuffed rabbit.

Sometimes when they would care for Teddy, he found himself in moments of complete content. Moments where he just knew they were in exactly the right place and time. It was an odd feeling for him, to find a place to call home. To know that despite it all, he was fine. They were all fine.

And he could make plans.

They had spent enough time fighting, and now, it was time for him to make plans. For him and Gwen to just be happy. It was time for their own happiness. It was time to be selfish for once.

Harry looked back down as he cut up the vegetables, making his very own version of shepherd's pie. He smiled to himself as he always loved watching Gwen and Teddy together, knowing that despite everything that had happened, he knew Teddy was growing up with as much love as they could give him.

Teddy had him, Teddy had Gwen, Teddy had Andromeda, and many others who loved him. In fact, as much as Harry thought it was quite rubbish when Mrs. Weasley or Andromeda would comment on when he was thinking of having children, he never once gave it much thought until recently. He was turning 20 soon...Almost to the age of when his parents had him.

Harry glanced at Gwen and Teddy once more, she was a natural with him...More than he was. He remembered how it had taken him some time to get used to Teddy as a baby, learning how to change a diaper and feed him. But Gwen's arms was always the place Teddy loved to sleep. And Harry couldn't blame him, though it was too embarrassing to admit, it was his favorite place to sleep too.

He beamed as he spotted the engagement ring he had bought for Gwen in his spice cupboard, knowing the only places she wandered into in the kitchen was the tea and coffee cupboard. He knew she would never find it in the kitchen; the least expected place for a ring.

Harry had proposed to her once before...During the war trials. He knew he had been in the wrong from expecting an answer when they were going through the trials...But it had almost been a year since then. And he didn't blame her for turning him down.

But here they were now, they were hitting 20 when they thought they would die at 17.

He had proposed to her once, but time had passed. They had given each other space and they were reunited once more. And it was like, nothing had changed.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now