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Gwen and Edward quickly followed Alice into Bella's room, as Gwen requested for Astoria to be woken up to join them as well. Gwen knew the basics of Healing magic, maybe a little more than the basics, but she certainly wasn't qualified to care of the fetus of a half human and half vampire.

"Nice of you to finally show up" Rosalie snarled as they entered the room.

Gwen got a quick look of the room, Bella squirming in pain at the center of it as Carlisle worked her.

"EDWARD!" Bella cried, her hand reaching out for him as she looked sweaty, panicked, and in excruciating pain.

Edward immediately went to Bella's said, taking the hand she extended as he looked to Carlisle for the prognosis. Bella continued to howl in pain, grunts of agony and suffering filled the air.

"Four of her ribs are broken" Carlisle said as Rosalie moved forward to help hold Bella in place, as her squirming made way for more injures. "Her spine is breaking, I don't know how severe it is, but from what I can see, Bella can end up permanently disabled."

The raven-haired woman stepped forward, hoping Astoria was on her way. She took out her wand as she turned to Carlisle.

"No you don't!" Rosalie growled, holding down Bella's arms as she glared at Gwen's wand. "Emmett!"

"Don't you dare!" Edward roared, as he let go of Bella's hand and looked towards his brother.

"She's here to help!" Alice snarled.

"I can fix her bones" Gwen said, ignoring the vampires as she directed her comment to Carlisle. "I need you to tell me where the breaks are, and I need Astoria--"

"I'm right here!" the young witch called, as Malfoy walked quietly behind her.

"Perfect" Gwen said, thinking fast. "Malfoy, I need you to make a pain draft. Most of it is done, it just needs the fresh roots mixed in. You can find it in my bag--"

"Why me?" Malfoy asked, looking quite disgusted at the scene before him.

"Because my hands are full and you were actually proficient in potions! Now make me a draft!"

Malfoy sighed as he left the room for Gwen's bag as Bella let out a scream, her eyes bulging wide open as Edward held her hand and Rosalie pinned her down.

"If you're going to do something, do it now!" Alice squealed, her hand over her mouth as she watched her best friend writher in pain.

"EDWARD!" Bella screamed, tears pouring down her eyes as she held onto her stomach.

"I'm here," Edward promised, holding Bella as she screamed in his arms. Edward turned towards Gwen and Carlisle, "Is there anything we can do? Something for her pain?"

Carlisle gave Gwen a rundown of Bella's injuries, as she ran through the healing magic she knew as Carlisle listed them off.

"You can heal her bones?" Edward asked her quietly.

"Yes" Gwen said, as Astoria looked nervously at her. They both knew what the outcome would be if she did the spell wrong. But there was no alternative, Bella's back was completely breaking. And soon, this magical being inside of the muggle girl would suck the life out of her.

"Here" Malfoy stated, as he passed Gwen the draft. She smelled it as she noticed it was quite perfectly done, just at the correct boiling point.

"Is it to your satisfaction?" Malfoy asked sarcastically.

"It's perfect, thank you" Gwen said, as she leaned over to Bella. "Drink this, it will--"

"We don't know what it does!" Rosalie snapped. "For all we know, it can hurt the baby!"

Bella was breathing heavily, barely able to keep her eyes opened from the pain as she looked to Edward for assurance.

"You can trust her" Edward promised.

"It will relieve your pain while I fix your bones" Gwen explained, as Bella looked towards her weakly. Her brown eyes stayed stagnant, as though she could barely hear her words. "The spell will work, but you will feel slight pain as the bones come back into place" Gwen said.

"What about the thing?" Malfoy asked, as he looked at Bella's body with disgust. "It's just going to break her bones again."

"What should I do? Stun it?" Astoria wondered, as she got her wand out and Malfoy sniggered.

"You will do no such thing!" Rosalie snarled.

"No stunning, but you're right, a bewitching spell will do the trick" Gwen concluded as Edward raised the cup for Bella to drink the draft. "The bewitching spell will put the magical being to sleep, leaving me to set the broken the bones and we can figure out what to do next."

Slowly but surely, Carlisle pointed out where Bella's broken bones were, as Gwen mended them with a simple, but powerful spell. She had seen firsthand what would happen if you had no experience with the spell, such as leaving the patient without any bones at all. But she had practiced it before and thankfully, it seemed to have worked.

As she mended the bones, she had Malfoy work on another draft for Bella to drink, to ease her pain and put her to sleep as they figured out their next move. Because there was no way her human and muggle body would be able to sustain whatever magical being was growing inside of her.

"We're having a council of war soon" Gwen said quietly, as Alice and Rosalie cleaned Bella up. "We need a Healer to come here, one we can trust. One that has experience working with magical beings."

"We don't need that!" Rosalie exclaimed. "We have a plan. Bella has a plan--"

"The fetus is killing her!" Edward said. "The plan is for Bella to die! You saw what Gwen can do! We can figure this out without--"

"Gwen is right" Astoria said, looking towards Bella and back to the Cullens. "There is no way she is going to even make it to give labor to whatever is growing inside of her. Already, the being growing inside of her is stronger and it's getting stronger day by day. Today was Bella's back, tomorrow it can shatter her entire body. Not to mention, Bella already looks like a corpse, it's draining the nutrients from her too."

"Our magic can penetrate through to the being growing" Gwen mused, as she looked to Bella's stomach. "If we get Healer's in here, we can figure out what it wants."

"Well, it's a half vampire isn't it?" Malfoy scoffed. "It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Why don't we give it some blood?"

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