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"What did you do?!" Harry demanded, running after her as she swung her wand once more towards the house. "What did you do to him?"

She ignored him as she felt herself panicking, her mind going straight to Edward and the rest of the Cullens. They knew...The Volturi knew everything. And she left them there, unprotected...She felt as though she wanted to puke, she wanted to scream--she couldn't breathe thinking of Edward being killed the same way as Tanya...With her helpless to stop it.

The raven-haired woman felt her heart racing, closing her eyes as she tried to focus. How could this be happening? She could hardly wrap her head around it as she realized she was shaking.

"Okay, okay" Gwen whispered to herself, trying to calm herself down as she ignored Harry.

"Gwen, what did you to--" Harry began once more, as she took a step forward away from him and raised her wand. Within seconds, she sent out multiple Patronus messages, one for Edward, one for Alex, one for Rhea, and one for Cal.

She knew she needed to be careful, but she also needed to send out warnings. The people who received them were people she trusted with her life. And she hoped when Rhea received hers, she would know what to do with it. This was too much, too much for her to handle on their own. Too much for Harry to handle...She knew they couldn't deal with it on their own.

Not like before.

The three of them, Harry especially...His first instinct had always been to deal with things alone with them. They always did that, since their first year at Hogwarts and up until their journey to find the Horcruxes. But they needed to trust those around them...They needed help.

Swallowing hard as the she hoped the warnings got there on time, she turned back to Harry in exasperation.

"You knew all of this and kept him here..." Gwen began, as Harry shook his head. "You knew they were all in danger and you did nothing--!"

"You didn't see him when he first came to me! He could barely talk! He was in shock and--"

"Do not make excuses for him! You heard what they're trying to do! You heard his threats!"

"I did hear that, but I knew we couldn't just burst in and arrest everyone without proof! He needed time to--"

"Do you trust him?" Gwen demanded angrily, interrupting him.


"Do you trust what he said? Do you trust he's not just here on Daphne's commands?! He could be gathering information on you, on us!"

"Well if he was, you just confirmed what they believed about Edward" Harry said darkly.

Gwen frowned as the panic for her friends safety rose to the surface. No matter how much she tried to keep it in, it was written all over her face. If Ron really switched sides again, he would confirm it all over...She felt the air leave her lungs as she thought about the Volturi killing the Cullens, of Edward...

She felt an anger riling her up at the thought...An anger at Ron. An anger towards Harry. How many lives could they have saved if Harry had just turned Ron in? She hated that he made excuses for Ron. She hated she got dragged into this...She hated this feeling like the entire world was collapsing around her.

"You're right" Gwen said darkly, turning to him. "You're right. I gave myself away."

Harry flinched as though she had struck him with a stunning spell, his eyes looking sadder than ever.

"You were right, you were always right about him" Gwen continued. "When I remembered everything, I remembered him. I remember how I fell in love with him when I was Eden and--"

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now