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"Well...that was quite uncalled for" Alex voice chortled, winking as her as Gwen felt her lungs inhaling fresh air as she opened her eyes to the new scenery before her.

They were standing inside of a brightly lit home, as she looked around in surprise to see daylight. This entire day had been such a whirlwind for her...She couldn't believe it had only been this morning when Edward had taken her out to practice magic, and now, they were somewhere in the United States after being in two other countries within 24 hours. Had it even been 24-hours? She hardly knew...

Focusing her tired mind, she realized only then that Edward had been staring at her in concern. She wondered if she looked as exhausted as she felt, but then her heart sank as she knew this was no time to sleep. Edward needed her.

"Your goal here is to bring back her memory. Whatever might trigger her. She will need your help" Orla said, her giant eyes peering around to Alex and finally, landing on Edward. "I do not know you, child. But you found Gwen. And I knew Tanya...I know your cousins. If you have half of their bravery you will get through this. Tanya believed in this. And I am sorry for your loss. She was a great warrior."

"You sound like Rhea," Alex mumbled, crossing his arms as he yawned.

"When the time is right, make your way back to us" Orla said gently to Edward, as her giant eyes landed on Gwen.

She couldn't help but feel familiar with Orla, nodding as she knew this wasn't a request. Orla was telling her. There was no question to whether Gwen would get her memory back, she had to.

Without another word, Orla disappeared as quickly as they appeared and a silence engulfed them. Perhaps it was the silence of the shock they had all experienced with Tanya's death. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep. But even then, Gwen knew it was much more.

They all had been tired for much longer.

Even she...Deep down, knew that she herself no longer wanted to be tired. Perhaps that was why her mind was fighting so hard to remain Eden. She was tired of being in these situations...Tired of being a warrior. Tired of waiting for the next battle to end to be able to mourn.

Holding back a yawn that threatened to escape her lips, Edward turned to her once more in concern, as though her breath had called out to him. With tired eyes, she moved her way up to meet his. And though she knew it was impossible for him to be tired, her exhaustion was mirrored back to her.

Edward took a step forward towards her, as she felt her body relaxing with every step he took. It was only then that she realized she wanted nothing more than to embrace him, to have him wrap his arms around her and hold her...For one moment, to believe she was back in Albarracín and pretend they were in the clinic. To pretend everything was back to normal...To pretend she was Eden again.

Moving forward, she let her arms fall as though signaling to Edward to hold her as he was only inches from grabbing onto her when--

"Hey! No funny business!" Alex called to them as he waved his wand to turn on the lights around them. "Don't forget I'm here too."

"You should get some sleep" Edward said gently, hesitating near her as instead of embracing her, he patted down her raven-hair in a comforting manner.

"I'm fine--" Gwen managed, before letting out a large yawn that escaped her lips.

Edward tried to give her a small amused smile. His smile was convincing...Almost.

"You've had a long day, you need to sleep" Edward told her.

"You can say that again" Alex sighed, sinking into a chair as he rested his hands on his face.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now