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"You're wrong" Alex snarled, looking at the Healer with great distaste. "TAKE IT BACK!"

Edward clenched his teeth, feeling as though he had turned to ice by the Healer's words. He listened, cold and numb, trying to remind himself that Gwen was fine. Besides her memory being gone, she was still herself. She was still Gwen despite this minor inconvenience. If he was a man of God, he would have been blessing their good fortune that they were still able to get up and return to her side.

She wasn't completely gone, not really. Her heart still beat strong.

Gwen was still Eden--and she would need him now more than ever, the woman who had become such a focal point of his world needed them all.

"Her mind is protecting itself from what she has seen" Healer Abasi stated calmly. "There is no way around it. No magic that can heal the mind when it does not want to be healed--"

"No you don't understand!" Alex roared, his entire body shaking he kicked the bin of trash next to them. The blond man began to yell, saliva spluttering throughout those in close proximity.

Edward was shocked by the outcry of the man who was unusually calm in most instances. Alex's eyes bulged wildly in his head, looking as though he was close to going into complete shock. Edward was rarely taken by surprise by any human, but Alex certainly did.

"YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE WRONG! SHE NEEDS TO COME BACK, WE NEED TO GET ANOTHER HEALER! SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING!" Alex roared, breathing heavily as looked ready to attack the Healer.

"Alex..." Edward said calmly, looking at the man with pity. But did he too, not feel the same way? He wanted to roar, to scream and push through everyone to get to Gwen. To take her to Carlisle or someone else--Someone better...But even he knew, there some truth to the Healers words.

"No! DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" Alex stormed as he took it upon himself to punch the wall before him with all of his force, as the Healer took a step back. "YOU KNOW SHE WON'T BE ABLE TO DO THIS! WE'RE ALL FUCKED IN THE HEAD, OKAY?! SHE WON'T BE ABLE TO--SHE WON'T--"

The blond man began to shake, falling to the ground as his hand fell from the wall. Edward managed to catch him before he hurt himself, as Edward could hear the sob fighting to escape Alex's throat. Holding the blond man tightly, Edward saw him fighting through his fears as he let out another scream.

"We're all fucked in the head!" Alex sobbed, doing his best to get out of Edward's grip. But Edward was too strong, and held him against his body. "T-that's why she can't settle down! That's why I can't go a day without getting drunk! The only thing holding me here is her! I-if she can't remember me--"

"Just breathe" Edward encouraged, holding the man tightly. He could feel Alex thrashing and screaming, and he knew he had to hold him before he harmed himself.

"S-she's my only family" Alex sobbed, holding onto Edward as he tried to break free. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND--YOU DON'T--SHE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT! SHE'S MY--SHE'S MY FAMILY--!"

"She will make it through this!" Edward promised the blond man fiercely. He had to keep this hope. They all did! "She is stronger than you know! She will make it through this--Alex! ALEX!" Edward roared, attempting to get the human man's attention who had gone limp with despair. He turned around the blond man, making him face him. "Get it together, she needs you now more than ever! I know how you feel, I know how you feel but she needs us. She needs all of us, okay? When she wakes up, she can't see you like this."

Alex let out a small sob, one that Edward would not quite believe came from him if he had not been holding him. But as the sob let out, and another, followed by another; Edward comforted the human man as he wondered if this was the first time in years Alex had allowed himself to cry.

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